Source: customers/Customer.js

 * Autogenerated by Avro

var customers_EmailAddress = require("../customers/EmailAddress");
var customers_PhoneNumber = require("../customers/PhoneNumber");
var customers_CustomerMetadata = require("../customers/CustomerMetadata");
var base_Reference = require("../base/Reference");
var customers_Address = require("../customers/Address");
var customers_Card = require("../customers/Card");

* @constructor
* @memberof customers
var Customer = function() {
  this._class_ = Customer; = undefined;
  this.merchant = undefined;
  this.firstName = undefined;
  this.lastName = undefined;
  this.marketingAllowed = undefined;
  this.customerSince = undefined;
  this.orders = undefined;
  this.addresses = undefined;
  this.emailAddresses = undefined;
  this.phoneNumbers = undefined; = undefined;
  this.metadata = undefined;

* Set the field value
* Unique identifier
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {String} id 
Customer.prototype.setId = function(id) { = id;

* Get the field value
* Unique identifier
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {String} 
Customer.prototype.getId = function() {

* Set the field value
* The merchant that is associated with this customer
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {base.Reference} merchant 
Customer.prototype.setMerchant = function(merchant) {
  this.merchant = merchant;

* Get the field value
* The merchant that is associated with this customer
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {base.Reference} 
Customer.prototype.getMerchant = function() {
  return this.merchant;

* Set the field value
* First/given name of the customer
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Null|String} firstName 
Customer.prototype.setFirstName = function(firstName) {
  this.firstName = firstName;

* Get the field value
* First/given name of the customer
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Null|String} 
Customer.prototype.getFirstName = function() {
  return this.firstName;

* Set the field value
* Last name/surname of the customer
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Null|String} lastName 
Customer.prototype.setLastName = function(lastName) {
  this.lastName = lastName;

* Get the field value
* Last name/surname of the customer
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Null|String} 
Customer.prototype.getLastName = function() {
  return this.lastName;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Boolean} marketingAllowed 
Customer.prototype.setMarketingAllowed = function(marketingAllowed) {
  this.marketingAllowed = marketingAllowed;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Boolean} 
Customer.prototype.getMarketingAllowed = function() {
  return this.marketingAllowed;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Number} customerSince must be a long integer
Customer.prototype.setCustomerSince = function(customerSince) {
  this.customerSince = customerSince;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Number} must be a long integer
Customer.prototype.getCustomerSince = function() {
  return this.customerSince;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Array.<base.Reference>} orders An array of 
Customer.prototype.setOrders = function(orders) {
  this.orders = orders;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Array.<base.Reference>} An array of 
Customer.prototype.getOrders = function() {
  return this.orders;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Array.<customers.Address>} addresses An array of 
Customer.prototype.setAddresses = function(addresses) {
  this.addresses = addresses;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Array.<customers.Address>} An array of 
Customer.prototype.getAddresses = function() {
  return this.addresses;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Array.<customers.EmailAddress>} emailAddresses An array of 
Customer.prototype.setEmailAddresses = function(emailAddresses) {
  this.emailAddresses = emailAddresses;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Array.<customers.EmailAddress>} An array of 
Customer.prototype.getEmailAddresses = function() {
  return this.emailAddresses;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Array.<customers.PhoneNumber>} phoneNumbers An array of 
Customer.prototype.setPhoneNumbers = function(phoneNumbers) {
  this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Array.<customers.PhoneNumber>} An array of 
Customer.prototype.getPhoneNumbers = function() {
  return this.phoneNumbers;

* Set the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {Array.<customers.Card>} cards An array of 
Customer.prototype.setCards = function(cards) { = cards;

* Get the field value
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {Array.<customers.Card>} An array of 
Customer.prototype.getCards = function() {

* Set the field value
* Additional information about the customer.
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @param {customers.CustomerMetadata} metadata 
Customer.prototype.setMetadata = function(metadata) {
  this.metadata = metadata;

* Get the field value
* Additional information about the customer.
* @memberof customers.Customer
* @return {customers.CustomerMetadata} 
Customer.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
  return this.metadata;

* @memberof customers.Customer
* @private
Customer.prototype.getMetaInfo = function(fieldName) {
  var curclass = this._class_;
  do {
    var fieldMetaInfo = curclass._meta_.fields[fieldName];
    if(fieldMetaInfo) {
      return fieldMetaInfo;
    if(curclass._meta_._superMeta_) {
      curclass = curclass._meta_._superMeta_._class_;
    } else {
      curclass = null;
  } while(curclass);
  return null;

Customer.prototype.toString = function() {
  return JSON.stringify(this);

Customer._meta_ =  {fields:  {}};
Customer._meta_._class_ =  Customer;
Customer._meta_.fields["id"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["id"].type = String;
Customer._meta_.fields["merchant"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["merchant"].type = base_Reference;
Customer._meta_.fields["firstName"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["firstName"].type = String;
Customer._meta_.fields["lastName"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["lastName"].type = String;
Customer._meta_.fields["marketingAllowed"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["marketingAllowed"].type = Boolean;
Customer._meta_.fields["customerSince"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["customerSince"].type = Number;
Customer._meta_.fields["orders"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["orders"].type = Array;
Customer._meta_.fields["orders"].elementType = base_Reference;
Customer._meta_.fields["addresses"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["addresses"].type = Array;
Customer._meta_.fields["addresses"].elementType = customers_Address;
Customer._meta_.fields["emailAddresses"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["emailAddresses"].type = Array;
Customer._meta_.fields["emailAddresses"].elementType = customers_EmailAddress;
Customer._meta_.fields["phoneNumbers"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["phoneNumbers"].type = Array;
Customer._meta_.fields["phoneNumbers"].elementType = customers_PhoneNumber;
Customer._meta_.fields["cards"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["cards"].type = Array;
Customer._meta_.fields["cards"].elementType = customers_Card;
Customer._meta_.fields["metadata"] = {};
Customer._meta_.fields["metadata"].type = customers_CustomerMetadata;

// Expose the module.
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = Customer;