CloverConnector  3.0.2
Copyright (C) 2018 Clover Network, Inc.
Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector Class Reference

Clover Connector and Clover Connector Listener wrapper for easy .NET event consumption of standard Clover API. This is an alternate access Ease of Use layer wrapping the standard Clover Connector API for designs that would prefer to consume an Event model API. More...

Inheritance diagram for Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector:
com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener

Public Member Functions

 CloverEventConnector ()
 Create an empty CloverEventConnector Attach an existing ICloverConnector object or create a new on to use this CloverEventConnector More...
 CloverEventConnector (ICloverConnector existingCloverConnector)
 Construct a CloverEventConnector from an existing CloverConnector object that has already been setup More...
void Attach (ICloverConnector existingCloverConnector)
 Attach an existing CloverConnector to this CloverEventConnector as the one and only CloverConnector SDK object More...
void InitializeConnection ()
 Initializes the connection and starts communication with the Clover device. This method is called after the connector has been created and listeners have been added to it. It must be called before any other method (other than those that add or remove listeners). More...
void AddCloverConnectorListener (ICloverConnectorListener connectorListener)
 Adds a Clover Connector listener. More...
void RemoveCloverConnectorListener (ICloverConnectorListener connectorListener)
 Removes a Clover Connector listener. More...
void Sale (SaleRequest request)
 Requests a Sale transaction (purchase). More...
void AcceptSignature (VerifySignatureRequest request)
 If a signature is captured during a transaction, this method accepts the signature as entered. More...
void RejectSignature (VerifySignatureRequest request)
 If a signature is captured during a transaction, this method rejects the signature as entered. More...
void AcceptPayment (Payment payment)
 If Payment confirmation is required during a transaction due to a Challenge, this method accepts the Payment. A Challenge may be triggered by a potential duplicate Payment or an offline Payment. More...
void RejectPayment (Payment payment, Challenge challenge)
 If Payment confirmation is required during a transaction due to a Challenge, this method rejects the Payment. A Challenge may be triggered by a potential duplicate Payment or an offline Payment. More...
void Auth (AuthRequest request)
 Requests an Auth transaction. The tip for an Auth can be adjusted through the TipAdjustAuth() call until the batch Closeout is processed. More...
void PreAuth (PreAuthRequest request)
 Initiates a PreAuth transaction (a pre-authorization for a certain amount). This transaction lets the merchant know whether the account associated with a card has sufficient funds, without actually charging the card. When the merchant is ready to charge a final amount, the POS will call CapturePreAuth() to complete the Payment. More...
void CapturePreAuth (CapturePreAuthRequest request)
 Marks a PreAuth Payment for capture by a Closeout process. After a PreAuth is captured, it is effectively the same as an Auth Payment. Note: Should only be called if the request's PaymentID is from a PreAuthResponse. More...
void TipAdjustAuth (TipAdjustAuthRequest request)
 Adjusts the tip for a previous Auth transaction. This call can be made until the Auth Payment has been finalized by a Closeout. Note: Should only be called if the request's PaymentID is from an AuthResponse. More...
void VoidPayment (VoidPaymentRequest request)
 Voids a transaction. More...
void VoidPaymentRefund (VoidPaymentRefundRequest request)
void RefundPayment (RefundPaymentRequest request)
 Refunds the full or partial amount of a Payment. More...
void ManualRefund (ManualRefundRequest request)
 Initiates a Manual Refund transaction (a “Refund” or credit that is not associated with a previous Payment). More...
void VaultCard (int? CardEntryMethods)
 Asks the Clover device to capture card information and request a payment token from the payment gateway. The payment token can be used for future Sale and Auth requests in place of the card details. Note: The merchant account must be configured to allow payment tokens. More...
void ReadCardData (ReadCardDataRequest request)
 Requests card information (specifically Track 1 and Track 2 card data). More...
void Closeout (CloseoutRequest request)
 Sends a request to the Clover server to close out all transactions. Note: The merchant account must be configured to allow transaction closeout. More...
void ResetDevice ()
 Sends a request to reset the Clover device back to the welcome screen. Can be used when the device is in an unknown or invalid state from the perspective of the POS. Note: This request could cause the POS to miss a transaction or other information. Use cautiously as a last resort. More...
void ShowMessage (string message)
 Displays a string-based message on the Clover device's screen. More...
void ShowWelcomeScreen ()
 Displays the welcome screen on the Clover device. More...
void ShowThankYouScreen ()
 Displays the thank you screen on the Clover device. More...
void DisplayPaymentReceiptOptions (DisplayPaymentReceiptOptionsRequest request)
 Displays the customer-facing receipt options (print, email, etc.) for a Payment on the Clover device. More...
void OpenCashDrawer (OpenCashDrawerRequest request)
 Opens the first cash drawer found connected to the Clover device. The reason for opening the cash drawer must be provided. More...
void ShowDisplayOrder (DisplayOrder order)
 Displays an Order and associated line items on the Clover device. Will replace an Order that is already displayed on the device screen. More...
void RemoveDisplayOrder (DisplayOrder order)
 Removes the DisplayOrder object from the Clover device's screen. More...
void Dispose ()
 Disposes the connection to the Clover device. After this is called, the connection to the device is severed, and the CloverConnector object is no longer usable. Instantiate a new CloverConnector object in order to call InitializeConnection(). More...
void InvokeInputOption (InputOption io)
void Print (PrintRequest request)
 Sends a print request using the PrintRequest object. Used to print text, Bitmap image objects, and images from URLs using the specified printer. More...
void RetrievePrinters (RetrievePrintersRequest request)
 Queries available printers attached to the Clover device using the RetrievePrintersRequest object. More...
void RetrievePrintJobStatus (PrintJobStatusRequest request)
 Queries the status of a print job using the PrintJobStatusRequest object. More...
void RetrievePendingPayments ()
 Retrieves a list of unprocessed Payments that were taken offline and are pending submission to the server. More...
void StartCustomActivity (CustomActivityRequest request)
 Starts a Custom Activity on the Clover device. Note: The Custom Activity must already be set up and configured on the Clover device. More...
void SendMessageToActivity (MessageToActivity request)
 Sends a message to a Custom Activity running on a Clover device. More...
void RetrieveDeviceStatus (RetrieveDeviceStatusRequest request)
 Sends a message requesting the current status of the Clover device. More...
void RetrievePayment (RetrievePaymentRequest request)
 Requests the Payment information associated with the externalPaymentId passed in. Only valid for Payments made in the past 24 hours on the Clover device queried. More...
void DisplayReceiptOptions (DisplayReceiptOptionsRequest request)
 Display receipt options for a Credit, Refund, or Payment More...
void RegisterForCustomerProvidedData (RegisterForCustomerProvidedDataRequest request)
 Register to receive customer data with the Clover Loyalty API More...
void SetCustomerInfo (SetCustomerInfoRequest request)
 Set the Clover Loyalty API's current customer info More...
void OnDeviceActivityStart (CloverDeviceEvent deviceEvent)
 Called when the Clover device transitions to a new screen or activity. The CloverDeviceEvent passed in will contain an event type, a description, and a list of available InputOptions. More...
void OnDeviceActivityEnd (CloverDeviceEvent deviceEvent)
 Called when the Clover device transitions away from a screen or activity. The CloverDeviceEvent passed in will contain an event type and description. Note: The start and end events are not guaranteed to process in order. The event type should be used to make sure these events are paired. More...
void OnDeviceError (CloverDeviceErrorEvent deviceErrorEvent)
 Called when an error occurs while trying to send messages to the Clover device. More...
void OnPreAuthResponse (PreAuthResponse response)
 Called in response to a PreAuth() request. Note: The boolean IsPreAuth flag in the PreAuthResponse indicates whether CapturePreAuth() can be called for the returned Payment. If the IsPreAuth flag is false and the IsAuth flag is true, then the payment gateway coerced the PreAuth() request to an Auth. The payment will need to be voided or it will be automatically captured at closeout. More...
void OnAuthResponse (AuthResponse response)
 Called in response to an Auth() request. Note: An Auth transaction may come back as a final Sale, depending on the payment gateway. The AuthResponse has a boolean IsAuth flag that indicates whether the Payment can still be tip-adjusted. More...
void OnTipAdjustAuthResponse (TipAdjustAuthResponse response)
 Called in response to a tip adjustment for an Auth transaction. Contains the TipAmount if successful. More...
void OnCapturePreAuthResponse (CapturePreAuthResponse response)
 Called in response to a CapturePreAuth() request. Contains the new Amount and TipAmount if successful. More...
void OnVerifySignatureRequest (VerifySignatureRequest request)
 Called when the Clover device requests verification for a user's on-screen signature. The Payment and Signature will be passed in. More...
void OnConfirmPaymentRequest (ConfirmPaymentRequest request)
 Called when the Clover device encounters a Challenge at the payment gateway and requires confirmation. A Challenge is triggered by a potential duplicate Payment (DUPLICATE_CHALLENGE) or an offline Payment (OFFLINE_CHALLENGE). The device sends an OnConfirmPaymentRequest() asking the merchant to reply by sending either an AcceptPayment() or RejectPayment() call. More...
void OnCloseoutResponse (CloseoutResponse response)
 Called in response to a Closeout() request. More...
void OnSaleResponse (SaleResponse response)
 Called at the completion of a Sale() request. The SaleResponse contains a { More...
void OnManualRefundResponse (ManualRefundResponse response)
 Called in response to a ManualRefund() request. Contains a { More...
void OnRefundPaymentResponse (RefundPaymentResponse response)
 Called in response to a RefundPayment() request. Contains a { More...
void OnTipAdded (TipAddedMessage message)
 Called when a customer selects a tip amount on the Clover device's screen. More...
void OnVoidPaymentResponse (VoidPaymentResponse response)
 Called in response to a VoidPayment() request. Contains a { More...
void OnVoidPaymentRefundResponse (VoidPaymentRefundResponse response)
 Called in response to a VoidPaymentRefund() request with results. More...
void OnDeviceConnected ()
 Called when the Clover device is initially connected, but not ready to communicate. More...
void OnDeviceReady (MerchantInfo merchantInfo)
 Called when the Clover device is ready to communicate and respond to requests. More...
void OnDeviceDisconnected ()
 Called when the Clover device is disconnected from the CloverConnector or not responding. More...
void OnVaultCardResponse (VaultCardResponse response)
 Called in response to a VaultCard() request. Contains a { More...
void OnRetrievePendingPaymentsResponse (RetrievePendingPaymentsResponse response)
 Called in response to a RetrievePendingPayment() request. More...
void OnReadCardDataResponse (ReadCardDataResponse response)
 Called in response to a ReadCardData() request. Contains card information (specifically Track 1 and Track 2 card data). More...
void OnPrintManualRefundReceipt (PrintManualRefundReceiptMessage printManualRefundReceiptMessage)
 Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Manual Refund. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the ManualRefund() request. More...
void OnPrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt (PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptMessage printManualRefundDeclineReceiptMessage)
 Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a declined Manual Refund. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the ManualRefund() request. More...
void OnPrintPaymentReceipt (PrintPaymentReceiptMessage printPaymentReceiptMessage)
 Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Payment. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), or PreAuth() request. More...
void OnPrintPaymentDeclineReceipt (PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptMessage printPaymentDeclineReceiptMessage)
 Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a declined Payment. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), or PreAuth() request. More...
void OnPrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt (PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptMessage printPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptMessage)
 Called when a user requests a merchant copy of a Payment receipt. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), or PreAuth() request. More...
void OnPrintRefundPaymentReceipt (PrintRefundPaymentReceiptMessage printRefundPaymentReceiptMessage)
 Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Payment Refund. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), PreAuth() or ManualRefund() request. More...
void OnPrintJobStatusResponse (PrintJobStatusResponse response)
 Called in response to a RetrievePrintJobStatus() request. More...
void OnRetrievePrintersResponse (RetrievePrintersResponse response)
 Called in response to a RetrievePrinters() request. More...
void OnCustomActivityResponse (CustomActivityResponse response)
 Called when a Custom Activity finishes normally. More...
void OnRetrieveDeviceStatusResponse (RetrieveDeviceStatusResponse response)
 Called in response to a RetrieveDeviceStatus() request. More...
void OnMessageFromActivity (MessageFromActivity response)
 Called when a Custom Activity sends a message to the POS. More...
void OnResetDeviceResponse (ResetDeviceResponse response)
 Called in response to a ResetDevice() request. More...
void OnRetrievePaymentResponse (RetrievePaymentResponse response)
 Called in response to a RetrievePayment() request. More...
void OnPrintJobStatusRequest (PrintJobStatusRequest request)
 Called in response to a RetrievePrintJobStatus() request. More...
void OnDisplayReceiptOptionsResponse (DisplayReceiptOptionsResponse response)
 Called in response to a DisplayReceiptOptions request. More...
void OnCustomerProvidedData (CustomerProvidedDataEvent response)
 Called when Loyalty API sends customer identifying data for a loyalty data type subscribed to in CloverConnector.RegisterForCustomerProvidedData() More...
delegate void MessageHandler (object sender, CloverEventArgs e)
delegate void DeviceActivityStartHandler (object sender, DeviceActivityStartEventArgs e)
delegate void DeviceActivityEndHandler (object sender, DeviceActivityEndEventArgs e)
delegate void DeviceErrorHandler (object sender, DeviceErrorEventArgs e)
delegate void PreAuthResponseHandler (object sender, PreAuthResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void AuthResponseHandler (object sender, AuthResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void TipAdjustAuthResponseHandler (object sender, TipAdjustAuthResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void CapturePreAuthResponseHandler (object sender, CapturePreAuthResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void VerifySignatureRequestHandler (object sender, VerifySignatureRequestEventArgs e)
delegate void ConfirmPaymentRequestHandler (object sender, ConfirmPaymentRequestEventArgs e)
delegate void CloseoutResponseHandler (object sender, CloseoutResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void SaleResponseHandler (object sender, SaleResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void ManualRefundResponseHandler (object sender, ManualRefundResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void RefundPaymentResponseHandler (object sender, RefundPaymentResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void TipAddedHandler (object sender, TipAddedEventArgs e)
delegate void VoidPaymentResponseHandler (object sender, VoidPaymentResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void VoidPaymentRefundResponseHandler (object sender, VoidPaymentRefundResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void DeviceConnectedHandler (object sender, DeviceConnectedEventArgs e)
delegate void DeviceReadyHandler (object sender, DeviceReadyEventArgs e)
delegate void DeviceDisconnectedHandler (object sender, DeviceDisconnectedEventArgs e)
delegate void VaultCardResponseHandler (object sender, VaultCardResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseHandler (object sender, RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void ReadCardDataResponseHandler (object sender, ReadCardDataResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintManualRefundReceiptHandler (object sender, PrintManualRefundReceiptEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptHandler (object sender, PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintPaymentReceiptHandler (object sender, PrintPaymentReceiptEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptHandler (object sender, PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptHandler (object sender, PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintRefundPaymentReceiptHandler (object sender, PrintRefundPaymentReceiptEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintJobStatusResponseHandler (object sender, PrintJobStatusResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void RetrievePrintersResponseHandler (object sender, RetrievePrintersResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void CustomActivityResponseHandler (object sender, CustomActivityResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseHandler (object sender, RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void MessageFromActivityHandler (object sender, MessageFromActivityEventArgs e)
delegate void ResetDeviceResponseHandler (object sender, ResetDeviceResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void RetrievePaymentResponseHandler (object sender, RetrievePaymentResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void PrintJobStatusRequestHandler (object sender, PrintJobStatusRequestEventArgs e)
delegate void DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseHandler (object sender, DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseEventArgs e)
delegate void CustomerProvidedDataResponseHandler (object sender, CustomerProvidedDataResponseEventArgs e)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector
void InvokeInputOption (transport.InputOption io)
 Sends a keystroke to the Clover device that invokes an input option (OK, CANCEL, DONE, etc.) on the customer's behalf. InputOptions are on the CloverDeviceEvent passed to OnDeviceActivityStart(). More...


MessageHandler Message
 Catch-all event signal raised by every ICloverConnectorListener handler in addition to their custom event to enable a central Message Handling pattern The Message event is raised after the custom event, and you may set the CloverEventArgs.handled flag if you wish to do either/or message processing More...
DeviceActivityStartHandler DeviceActivityStart
 Device Activity message - UI screen has changed and is being shown More...
DeviceActivityEndHandler DeviceActivityEnd
 Device Activity message - UI screen is changing and current screen is being hidden More...
DeviceErrorHandler DeviceError
 There was an error from the device or SDK layer, usually directly related to the last call More...
PreAuthResponseHandler PreAuthResponse
 PreAuth call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
AuthResponseHandler AuthResponse
 Auth call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
TipAdjustAuthResponseHandler TipAdjustAuthResponse
 Tip Adjust call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
CapturePreAuthResponseHandler CapturePreAuthResponse
 Capture PreAuth call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
VerifySignatureRequestHandler VerifySignatureRequest
 The customer has signed for the payment, the POS needs to confirm the signature so the payment can continue (eg Cashier compares signature to card as appropriate) More...
ConfirmPaymentRequestHandler ConfirmPaymentRequest
 The payment was detected as a possible duplicate or the device is offline, the POS needs to confirm the payment is acceptable to continue (eg Cashier confirms it isn't a duplicate payment and should be processed) More...
CloseoutResponseHandler CloseoutResponse
 Closeout call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
SaleResponseHandler SaleResponse
 Sale call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
ManualRefundResponseHandler ManualRefundResponse
 Manual Refund call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
RefundPaymentResponseHandler RefundPaymentResponse
 Refund call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
TipAddedHandler TipAdded
 Customer added a tip to the order on the device screen More...
VoidPaymentResponseHandler VoidPaymentResponse
 Void Payment call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
VoidPaymentRefundResponseHandler VoidPaymentRefundResponse
 Void Payment Refund call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
DeviceConnectedHandler DeviceConnected
 A Clover Device was connected to the SDK and the SDK can see it More...
DeviceReadyHandler DeviceReady
 A Clover Device was connected to and initialized by the SDK and is ready to use More...
DeviceDisconnectedHandler DeviceDisconnected
 An attached Clover Device lost connection to the SDK and cannot be used (device power cycled, unplugged, network connection lost, etc.) More...
VaultCardResponseHandler VaultCardResponse
 Vault Card call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseHandler RetrievePendingPaymentsResponse
 List of Pending Payments on the device in need of transmitting to server (ie Payments taken and queued for later processing while device was offline / in forced offline mode) More...
ReadCardDataResponseHandler ReadCardDataResponse
 Read Card Data call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
PrintManualRefundReceiptHandler PrintManualRefundReceipt
 Device wants a receipt printed for Manual Refund (ie in POS Print mode) More...
PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptHandler PrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt
 Device wants a receipt printed for Manual Refund Declined (ie in POS Print mode) More...
PrintPaymentReceiptHandler PrintPaymentReceipt
 Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment (ie in POS Print mode) More...
PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptHandler PrintPaymentDeclineReceipt
 Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment Declined (ie in POS Print mode) More...
PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptHandler PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt
 Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment (ie in POS Print mode) More...
PrintRefundPaymentReceiptHandler PrintRefundPaymentReceipt
 Device wants a receipt printed for a Refunded Payment (ie in POS Print mode) More...
PrintJobStatusResponseHandler PrintJobStatusResponse
 Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment (ie in POS Print mode) More...
RetrievePrintersResponseHandler RetrievePrintersResponse
 Print Job status details call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
CustomActivityResponseHandler CustomActivityResponse
 Custom Activity call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseHandler RetrieveDeviceStatusResponse
 Response to a Retrieve Device Status with current status (Idle, Busy, etc.) More...
MessageFromActivityHandler MessageFromActivity
 Custom Activity user code on the Device sent a custom message through the SDK to the POS More...
ResetDeviceResponseHandler ResetDeviceResponse
 Reset Device call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
RetrievePaymentResponseHandler RetrievePaymentResponse
 Retrieve Payment call has completed with these payment details (success or failure) More...
PrintJobStatusRequestHandler PrintJobStatusRequest
 Print Job Status call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseHandler DisplayReceiptOptionsResponse
 Display Receipt Options call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...
CustomerProvidedDataResponseHandler CustomerProvidedDataResponse
 Display Receipt Options call has completed with these details (success or failure) More...

Detailed Description

Clover Connector and Clover Connector Listener wrapper for easy .NET event consumption of standard Clover API. This is an alternate access Ease of Use layer wrapping the standard Clover Connector API for designs that would prefer to consume an Event model API.

Standard CloverConnector API calls are made to this object The single Message event can be subscribed to for a central message handler design. All messages raise the common Message event. Individual response events can be subscribed to in order to handle specific messages. All messages raise their own custom event.

Definition at line 19 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CloverEventConnector() [1/2]

Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CloverEventConnector ( )

Create an empty CloverEventConnector Attach an existing ICloverConnector object or create a new on to use this CloverEventConnector

Definition at line 27 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CloverEventConnector() [2/2]

Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CloverEventConnector ( ICloverConnector  existingCloverConnector)

Construct a CloverEventConnector from an existing CloverConnector object that has already been setup

existingCloverConnectorExisting CloverConnector SDK object managed by the POS

Definition at line 35 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptPayment()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.AcceptPayment ( Payment  payment)

If Payment confirmation is required during a transaction due to a Challenge, this method accepts the Payment. A Challenge may be triggered by a potential duplicate Payment or an offline Payment.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 94 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ AcceptSignature()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.AcceptSignature ( VerifySignatureRequest  request)

If a signature is captured during a transaction, this method accepts the signature as entered.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 82 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ AddCloverConnectorListener()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.AddCloverConnectorListener ( ICloverConnectorListener  connectorListener)

Adds a Clover Connector listener.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 64 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ Attach()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Attach ( ICloverConnector  existingCloverConnector)

Attach an existing CloverConnector to this CloverEventConnector as the one and only CloverConnector SDK object


Definition at line 44 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ Auth()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Auth ( AuthRequest  request)

Requests an Auth transaction. The tip for an Auth can be adjusted through the TipAdjustAuth() call until the batch Closeout is processed.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 106 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ AuthResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.AuthResponseHandler ( object  sender,
AuthResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ CapturePreAuth()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CapturePreAuth ( CapturePreAuthRequest  request)

Marks a PreAuth Payment for capture by a Closeout process. After a PreAuth is captured, it is effectively the same as an Auth Payment. Note: Should only be called if the request's PaymentID is from a PreAuthResponse.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 118 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CapturePreAuthResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CapturePreAuthResponseHandler ( object  sender,
CapturePreAuthResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ Closeout()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Closeout ( CloseoutRequest  request)

Sends a request to the Clover server to close out all transactions. Note: The merchant account must be configured to allow transaction closeout.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 167 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CloseoutResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CloseoutResponseHandler ( object  sender,
CloseoutResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ ConfirmPaymentRequestHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ConfirmPaymentRequestHandler ( object  sender,
ConfirmPaymentRequestEventArgs  e 

◆ CustomActivityResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CustomActivityResponseHandler ( object  sender,
CustomActivityResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ CustomerProvidedDataResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CustomerProvidedDataResponseHandler ( object  sender,
CustomerProvidedDataResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ DeviceActivityEndHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceActivityEndHandler ( object  sender,
DeviceActivityEndEventArgs  e 

◆ DeviceActivityStartHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceActivityStartHandler ( object  sender,
DeviceActivityStartEventArgs  e 

◆ DeviceConnectedHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceConnectedHandler ( object  sender,
DeviceConnectedEventArgs  e 

◆ DeviceDisconnectedHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceDisconnectedHandler ( object  sender,
DeviceDisconnectedEventArgs  e 

◆ DeviceErrorHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceErrorHandler ( object  sender,
DeviceErrorEventArgs  e 

◆ DeviceReadyHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceReadyHandler ( object  sender,
DeviceReadyEventArgs  e 

◆ DisplayPaymentReceiptOptions()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DisplayPaymentReceiptOptions ( DisplayPaymentReceiptOptionsRequest  request)

Displays the customer-facing receipt options (print, email, etc.) for a Payment on the Clover device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 197 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DisplayReceiptOptions()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DisplayReceiptOptions ( DisplayReceiptOptionsRequest  request)

Display receipt options for a Credit, Refund, or Payment

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 281 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseHandler ( object  sender,
DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ Dispose()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Dispose ( )

Disposes the connection to the Clover device. After this is called, the connection to the device is severed, and the CloverConnector object is no longer usable. Instantiate a new CloverConnector object in order to call InitializeConnection().

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 221 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ InitializeConnection()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.InitializeConnection ( )

Initializes the connection and starts communication with the Clover device. This method is called after the connector has been created and listeners have been added to it. It must be called before any other method (other than those that add or remove listeners).

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 58 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ InvokeInputOption()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.InvokeInputOption ( InputOption  io)

Definition at line 227 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ManualRefund()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ManualRefund ( ManualRefundRequest  request)

Initiates a Manual Refund transaction (a “Refund” or credit that is not associated with a previous Payment).

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 148 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ManualRefundResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ManualRefundResponseHandler ( object  sender,
ManualRefundResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ MessageFromActivityHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.MessageFromActivityHandler ( object  sender,
MessageFromActivityEventArgs  e 

◆ MessageHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.MessageHandler ( object  sender,
CloverEventArgs  e 

◆ OnAuthResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnAuthResponse ( AuthResponse  response)

Called in response to an Auth() request. Note: An Auth transaction may come back as a final Sale, depending on the payment gateway. The AuthResponse has a boolean IsAuth flag that indicates whether the Payment can still be tip-adjusted.

responseThe AuthResponse to the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 516 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnCapturePreAuthResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnCapturePreAuthResponse ( CapturePreAuthResponse  response)

Called in response to a CapturePreAuth() request. Contains the new Amount and TipAmount if successful.

responseThe CapturePreAuthResponse to the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 540 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnCloseoutResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnCloseoutResponse ( CloseoutResponse  response)

Called in response to a Closeout() request.

responseThe CloseoutResponse details for the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 576 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnConfirmPaymentRequest()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnConfirmPaymentRequest ( ConfirmPaymentRequest  request)

Called when the Clover device encounters a Challenge at the payment gateway and requires confirmation. A Challenge is triggered by a potential duplicate Payment (DUPLICATE_CHALLENGE) or an offline Payment (OFFLINE_CHALLENGE). The device sends an OnConfirmPaymentRequest() asking the merchant to reply by sending either an AcceptPayment() or RejectPayment() call.

Note: Duplicate Payment Challenges are raised when multiple Payments are made with the same card type and last four digits within the same hour. For this reason, we recommend that you do not programmatically call CloverConnector.RejectPayment() on all instances of DUPLICATE_CHALLENGE. For more information, see with Challenges.

requestThe ConfirmPaymentRequest for confirmation.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 564 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnCustomActivityResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnCustomActivityResponse ( CustomActivityResponse  response)

Called when a Custom Activity finishes normally.

responseThe CustomActivityResponse.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 823 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnCustomerProvidedData()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnCustomerProvidedData ( CustomerProvidedDataEvent  response)

Called when Loyalty API sends customer identifying data for a loyalty data type subscribed to in CloverConnector.RegisterForCustomerProvidedData()

responseThe CustomerProvidedDataEvent containing type and data payload, like PHONE, 555-1212 in type-specific custom encoding

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 907 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDeviceActivityEnd()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDeviceActivityEnd ( CloverDeviceEvent  deviceEvent)

Called when the Clover device transitions away from a screen or activity. The CloverDeviceEvent passed in will contain an event type and description. Note: The start and end events are not guaranteed to process in order. The event type should be used to make sure these events are paired.

deviceEventThe CloverDeviceEvent event.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 480 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDeviceActivityStart()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDeviceActivityStart ( CloverDeviceEvent  deviceEvent)

Called when the Clover device transitions to a new screen or activity. The CloverDeviceEvent passed in will contain an event type, a description, and a list of available InputOptions.

deviceEventThe CloverDeviceEvent event.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 468 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDeviceConnected()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDeviceConnected ( )

Called when the Clover device is initially connected, but not ready to communicate.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 657 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDeviceDisconnected()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDeviceDisconnected ( )

Called when the Clover device is disconnected from the CloverConnector or not responding.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 680 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDeviceError()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDeviceError ( CloverDeviceErrorEvent  deviceErrorEvent)

Called when an error occurs while trying to send messages to the Clover device.

deviceErrorEventThe CloverDeviceErrorEvent event.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 492 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDeviceReady()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDeviceReady ( MerchantInfo  merchantInfo)

Called when the Clover device is ready to communicate and respond to requests.

merchantInfoThe MerchantInfo details to associate with the device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 668 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnDisplayReceiptOptionsResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnDisplayReceiptOptionsResponse ( DisplayReceiptOptionsResponse  response)

Called in response to a DisplayReceiptOptions request.

responseThe DisplayReceiptOptionsResponse details for the response.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 895 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnManualRefundResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnManualRefundResponse ( ManualRefundResponse  response)

Called in response to a ManualRefund() request. Contains a {

See also
com.clover.remote.client.messages.ResultCode} and a Success boolean. If successful, the ManualRefundResponse will have a Credit object associated with the relevant Payment information.
responseThe ManualRefundResponse details for the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 600 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnMessageFromActivity()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnMessageFromActivity ( MessageFromActivity  response)

Called when a Custom Activity sends a message to the POS.

responseThe MessageFromActivity details.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 847 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPreAuthResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPreAuthResponse ( PreAuthResponse  response)

Called in response to a PreAuth() request. Note: The boolean IsPreAuth flag in the PreAuthResponse indicates whether CapturePreAuth() can be called for the returned Payment. If the IsPreAuth flag is false and the IsAuth flag is true, then the payment gateway coerced the PreAuth() request to an Auth. The payment will need to be voided or it will be automatically captured at closeout.

responseThe PreAuthResponse details.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 504 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintJobStatusRequest()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintJobStatusRequest ( PrintJobStatusRequest  request)

Called in response to a RetrievePrintJobStatus() request.

requestThe PrintJobStatusResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 883 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintJobStatusResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintJobStatusResponse ( PrintJobStatusResponse  response)

Called in response to a RetrievePrintJobStatus() request.

responseThe PrintJobStatusResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 799 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt ( PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptMessage  message)

Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a declined Manual Refund. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the ManualRefund() request.

messageThe PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptMessage.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 739 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintManualRefundReceipt()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintManualRefundReceipt ( PrintManualRefundReceiptMessage  message)

Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Manual Refund. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the ManualRefund() request.

messageA callback that asks the POS to print a receipt for a ManualRefund. Contains a Credit object.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 727 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintPaymentDeclineReceipt()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintPaymentDeclineReceipt ( PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptMessage  message)

Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a declined Payment. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), or PreAuth() request.

messageThe PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptMessage details.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 763 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt ( PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptMessage  message)

Called when a user requests a merchant copy of a Payment receipt. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), or PreAuth() request.

messageThe PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptMessage details.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 775 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintPaymentReceipt()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintPaymentReceipt ( PrintPaymentReceiptMessage  message)

Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Payment. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), or PreAuth() request.

messageThe PrintPaymentReceiptMessage details.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 751 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnPrintRefundPaymentReceipt()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnPrintRefundPaymentReceipt ( PrintRefundPaymentReceiptMessage  message)

Called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Payment Refund. Will only be called if DisablePrinting = true on the Sale(), Auth(), PreAuth() or ManualRefund() request.

messageThe PrintRefundPaymentReceiptMessage details.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 787 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnReadCardDataResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnReadCardDataResponse ( ReadCardDataResponse  response)

Called in response to a ReadCardData() request. Contains card information (specifically Track 1 and Track 2 card data).

responseThe ReadCardDataResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 715 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnRefundPaymentResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnRefundPaymentResponse ( RefundPaymentResponse  response)

Called in response to a RefundPayment() request. Contains a {

See also
com.clover.remote.client.messages.ResultCode} and a Success boolean. The response to a successful transaction will contain the Refund, which includes the original paymentId as a reference.
responseThe RefundPaymentResponse details for the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 612 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnResetDeviceResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnResetDeviceResponse ( ResetDeviceResponse  response)

Called in response to a ResetDevice() request.

responseThe ResetDeviceResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 859 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnRetrieveDeviceStatusResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnRetrieveDeviceStatusResponse ( RetrieveDeviceStatusResponse  response)

Called in response to a RetrieveDeviceStatus() request.

responseThe RetrieveDeviceStatusResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 835 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnRetrievePaymentResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnRetrievePaymentResponse ( RetrievePaymentResponse  response)

Called in response to a RetrievePayment() request.

responseThe RetrievePaymentResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 871 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnRetrievePendingPaymentsResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnRetrievePendingPaymentsResponse ( RetrievePendingPaymentsResponse  response)

Called in response to a RetrievePendingPayment() request.

responseThe RetrievePendingPaymentsResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 703 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnRetrievePrintersResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnRetrievePrintersResponse ( RetrievePrintersResponse  response)

Called in response to a RetrievePrinters() request.

responseThe RetrievePrintersResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 811 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnSaleResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnSaleResponse ( SaleResponse  response)

Called at the completion of a Sale() request. The SaleResponse contains a {

See also
com.clover.remote.client.messages.ResultCode} and a Success boolean. A successful Sale transaction will also have the Payment object, which can be for the full or partial amount of the Sale request. Note: A Sale transaction my come back as a tip-adjustable Auth, depending on the payment gateway. The SaleResponse has a boolean IsSale flag that indicates whether the Sale is final, or will be finalized during closeout.
responseThe SaleResponse details for the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 588 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnTipAdded()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnTipAdded ( TipAddedMessage  message)

Called when a customer selects a tip amount on the Clover device's screen.

messageThe TipAddedMessage.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 624 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnTipAdjustAuthResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnTipAdjustAuthResponse ( TipAdjustAuthResponse  response)

Called in response to a tip adjustment for an Auth transaction. Contains the TipAmount if successful.

responseThe TipAdjustAuthResponse to the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 528 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnVaultCardResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnVaultCardResponse ( VaultCardResponse  response)

Called in response to a VaultCard() request. Contains a {

See also
com.clover.remote.client.messages.ResultCode} and a Success boolean. If successful, the response will contain a VaultedCard object with a token value that's unique for the card and merchant. The token can be used for future Sale() and Auth() requests.
responseThe VaultCardResponse details for the request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 691 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnVerifySignatureRequest()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnVerifySignatureRequest ( VerifySignatureRequest  request)

Called when the Clover device requests verification for a user's on-screen signature. The Payment and Signature will be passed in.

requestThe VerifySignatureRequest.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 552 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnVoidPaymentRefundResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnVoidPaymentRefundResponse ( VoidPaymentRefundResponse  response)

Called in response to a VoidPaymentRefund() request with results.


Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 646 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OnVoidPaymentResponse()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OnVoidPaymentResponse ( VoidPaymentResponse  response)

Called in response to a VoidPayment() request. Contains a {

See also
com.clover.remote.client.messages.ResultCode} and a Success boolean. If successful, the response will also contain the paymentId for the voided Payment.
responseThe VoidPaymentResponse details for the transaction request.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnectorListener.

Definition at line 635 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ OpenCashDrawer()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.OpenCashDrawer ( OpenCashDrawerRequest  request)

Opens the first cash drawer found connected to the Clover device. The reason for opening the cash drawer must be provided.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 203 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PreAuth()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PreAuth ( PreAuthRequest  request)

Initiates a PreAuth transaction (a pre-authorization for a certain amount). This transaction lets the merchant know whether the account associated with a card has sufficient funds, without actually charging the card. When the merchant is ready to charge a final amount, the POS will call CapturePreAuth() to complete the Payment.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 112 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PreAuthResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PreAuthResponseHandler ( object  sender,
PreAuthResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ Print()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Print ( PrintRequest  request)

Sends a print request using the PrintRequest object. Used to print text, Bitmap image objects, and images from URLs using the specified printer.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 233 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintJobStatusRequestHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintJobStatusRequestHandler ( object  sender,
PrintJobStatusRequestEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintJobStatusResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintJobStatusResponseHandler ( object  sender,
PrintJobStatusResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptHandler ( object  sender,
PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintManualRefundReceiptHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintManualRefundReceiptHandler ( object  sender,
PrintManualRefundReceiptEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptHandler ( object  sender,
PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptHandler ( object  sender,
PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintPaymentReceiptHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintPaymentReceiptHandler ( object  sender,
PrintPaymentReceiptEventArgs  e 

◆ PrintRefundPaymentReceiptHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintRefundPaymentReceiptHandler ( object  sender,
PrintRefundPaymentReceiptEventArgs  e 

◆ ReadCardData()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ReadCardData ( ReadCardDataRequest  request)

Requests card information (specifically Track 1 and Track 2 card data).

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 160 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ReadCardDataResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ReadCardDataResponseHandler ( object  sender,
ReadCardDataResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RefundPayment()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RefundPayment ( RefundPaymentRequest  request)

Refunds the full or partial amount of a Payment.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 142 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RefundPaymentResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RefundPaymentResponseHandler ( object  sender,
RefundPaymentResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RegisterForCustomerProvidedData()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RegisterForCustomerProvidedData ( RegisterForCustomerProvidedDataRequest  request)

Register to receive customer data with the Clover Loyalty API

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 287 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RejectPayment()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RejectPayment ( Payment  payment,
Challenge  challenge 

If Payment confirmation is required during a transaction due to a Challenge, this method rejects the Payment. A Challenge may be triggered by a potential duplicate Payment or an offline Payment.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 100 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RejectSignature()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RejectSignature ( VerifySignatureRequest  request)

If a signature is captured during a transaction, this method rejects the signature as entered.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 88 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RemoveCloverConnectorListener()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RemoveCloverConnectorListener ( ICloverConnectorListener  connectorListener)

Removes a Clover Connector listener.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 70 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RemoveDisplayOrder()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RemoveDisplayOrder ( DisplayOrder  order)

Removes the DisplayOrder object from the Clover device's screen.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 215 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ResetDevice()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ResetDevice ( )

Sends a request to reset the Clover device back to the welcome screen. Can be used when the device is in an unknown or invalid state from the perspective of the POS. Note: This request could cause the POS to miss a transaction or other information. Use cautiously as a last resort.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 173 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ResetDeviceResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ResetDeviceResponseHandler ( object  sender,
ResetDeviceResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RetrieveDeviceStatus()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrieveDeviceStatus ( RetrieveDeviceStatusRequest  request)

Sends a message requesting the current status of the Clover device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 269 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseHandler ( object  sender,
RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RetrievePayment()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePayment ( RetrievePaymentRequest  request)

Requests the Payment information associated with the externalPaymentId passed in. Only valid for Payments made in the past 24 hours on the Clover device queried.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 275 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrievePaymentResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePaymentResponseHandler ( object  sender,
RetrievePaymentResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RetrievePendingPayments()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePendingPayments ( )

Retrieves a list of unprocessed Payments that were taken offline and are pending submission to the server.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 251 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseHandler ( object  sender,
RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RetrievePrinters()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePrinters ( RetrievePrintersRequest  request)

Queries available printers attached to the Clover device using the RetrievePrintersRequest object.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 239 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrievePrintersResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePrintersResponseHandler ( object  sender,
RetrievePrintersResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ RetrievePrintJobStatus()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePrintJobStatus ( PrintJobStatusRequest  request)

Queries the status of a print job using the PrintJobStatusRequest object.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 245 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ Sale()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Sale ( SaleRequest  request)

Requests a Sale transaction (purchase).

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 76 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ SaleResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.SaleResponseHandler ( object  sender,
SaleResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ SendMessageToActivity()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.SendMessageToActivity ( MessageToActivity  request)

Sends a message to a Custom Activity running on a Clover device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 263 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ SetCustomerInfo()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.SetCustomerInfo ( SetCustomerInfoRequest  request)

Set the Clover Loyalty API's current customer info

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 293 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ShowDisplayOrder()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ShowDisplayOrder ( DisplayOrder  order)

Displays an Order and associated line items on the Clover device. Will replace an Order that is already displayed on the device screen.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 209 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ShowMessage()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ShowMessage ( string  message)

Displays a string-based message on the Clover device's screen.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 179 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ShowThankYouScreen()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ShowThankYouScreen ( )

Displays the thank you screen on the Clover device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 191 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ShowWelcomeScreen()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ShowWelcomeScreen ( )

Displays the welcome screen on the Clover device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 185 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ StartCustomActivity()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.StartCustomActivity ( CustomActivityRequest  request)

Starts a Custom Activity on the Clover device. Note: The Custom Activity must already be set up and configured on the Clover device.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 257 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ TipAddedHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.TipAddedHandler ( object  sender,
TipAddedEventArgs  e 

◆ TipAdjustAuth()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.TipAdjustAuth ( TipAdjustAuthRequest  request)

Adjusts the tip for a previous Auth transaction. This call can be made until the Auth Payment has been finalized by a Closeout. Note: Should only be called if the request's PaymentID is from an AuthResponse.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 124 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ TipAdjustAuthResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.TipAdjustAuthResponseHandler ( object  sender,
TipAdjustAuthResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ VaultCard()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VaultCard ( int?  CardEntryMethods)

Asks the Clover device to capture card information and request a payment token from the payment gateway. The payment token can be used for future Sale and Auth requests in place of the card details. Note: The merchant account must be configured to allow payment tokens.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 154 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ VaultCardResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VaultCardResponseHandler ( object  sender,
VaultCardResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ VerifySignatureRequestHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VerifySignatureRequestHandler ( object  sender,
VerifySignatureRequestEventArgs  e 

◆ VoidPayment()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VoidPayment ( VoidPaymentRequest  request)

Voids a transaction.

Implements com.clover.remotepay.sdk.ICloverConnector.

Definition at line 130 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ VoidPaymentRefund()

void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VoidPaymentRefund ( VoidPaymentRefundRequest  request)

◆ VoidPaymentRefundResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VoidPaymentRefundResponseHandler ( object  sender,
VoidPaymentRefundResponseEventArgs  e 

◆ VoidPaymentResponseHandler()

delegate void Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VoidPaymentResponseHandler ( object  sender,
VoidPaymentResponseEventArgs  e 

Event Documentation

◆ AuthResponse

AuthResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.AuthResponse

Auth call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 330 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CapturePreAuthResponse

CapturePreAuthResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CapturePreAuthResponse

Capture PreAuth call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 338 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CloseoutResponse

CloseoutResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CloseoutResponse

Closeout call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 350 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ConfirmPaymentRequest

ConfirmPaymentRequestHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ConfirmPaymentRequest

The payment was detected as a possible duplicate or the device is offline, the POS needs to confirm the payment is acceptable to continue (eg Cashier confirms it isn't a duplicate payment and should be processed)

Definition at line 346 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CustomActivityResponse

CustomActivityResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CustomActivityResponse

Custom Activity call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 434 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ CustomerProvidedDataResponse

CustomerProvidedDataResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.CustomerProvidedDataResponse

Display Receipt Options call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 462 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DeviceActivityEnd

DeviceActivityEndHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceActivityEnd

Device Activity message - UI screen is changing and current screen is being hidden

Definition at line 318 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DeviceActivityStart

DeviceActivityStartHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceActivityStart

Device Activity message - UI screen has changed and is being shown

Definition at line 314 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DeviceConnected

DeviceConnectedHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceConnected

A Clover Device was connected to the SDK and the SDK can see it

Definition at line 378 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DeviceDisconnected

DeviceDisconnectedHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceDisconnected

An attached Clover Device lost connection to the SDK and cannot be used (device power cycled, unplugged, network connection lost, etc.)

Definition at line 386 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DeviceError

DeviceErrorHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceError

There was an error from the device or SDK layer, usually directly related to the last call

Definition at line 322 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DeviceReady

DeviceReadyHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DeviceReady

A Clover Device was connected to and initialized by the SDK and is ready to use

Definition at line 382 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ DisplayReceiptOptionsResponse

DisplayReceiptOptionsResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.DisplayReceiptOptionsResponse

Display Receipt Options call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 458 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ManualRefundResponse

ManualRefundResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ManualRefundResponse

Manual Refund call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 358 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ Message

MessageHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.Message

Catch-all event signal raised by every ICloverConnectorListener handler in addition to their custom event to enable a central Message Handling pattern The Message event is raised after the custom event, and you may set the CloverEventArgs.handled flag if you wish to do either/or message processing

Definition at line 309 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ MessageFromActivity

MessageFromActivityHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.MessageFromActivity

Custom Activity user code on the Device sent a custom message through the SDK to the POS

Definition at line 442 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PreAuthResponse

PreAuthResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PreAuthResponse

PreAuth call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 326 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintJobStatusRequest

PrintJobStatusRequestHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintJobStatusRequest

Print Job Status call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 454 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintJobStatusResponse

PrintJobStatusResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintJobStatusResponse

Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 426 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt

PrintManualRefundDeclineReceiptHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt

Device wants a receipt printed for Manual Refund Declined (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 406 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintManualRefundReceipt

PrintManualRefundReceiptHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintManualRefundReceipt

Device wants a receipt printed for Manual Refund (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 402 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintPaymentDeclineReceipt

PrintPaymentDeclineReceiptHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintPaymentDeclineReceipt

Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment Declined (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 414 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt

PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceiptHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt

Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 418 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintPaymentReceipt

PrintPaymentReceiptHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintPaymentReceipt

Device wants a receipt printed for a Payment (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 410 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ PrintRefundPaymentReceipt

PrintRefundPaymentReceiptHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.PrintRefundPaymentReceipt

Device wants a receipt printed for a Refunded Payment (ie in POS Print mode)

Definition at line 422 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ReadCardDataResponse

ReadCardDataResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ReadCardDataResponse

Read Card Data call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 398 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RefundPaymentResponse

RefundPaymentResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RefundPaymentResponse

Refund call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 362 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ ResetDeviceResponse

ResetDeviceResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.ResetDeviceResponse

Reset Device call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 446 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrieveDeviceStatusResponse

RetrieveDeviceStatusResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrieveDeviceStatusResponse

Response to a Retrieve Device Status with current status (Idle, Busy, etc.)

Definition at line 438 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrievePaymentResponse

RetrievePaymentResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePaymentResponse

Retrieve Payment call has completed with these payment details (success or failure)

Definition at line 450 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrievePendingPaymentsResponse

RetrievePendingPaymentsResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePendingPaymentsResponse

List of Pending Payments on the device in need of transmitting to server (ie Payments taken and queued for later processing while device was offline / in forced offline mode)

Definition at line 394 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ RetrievePrintersResponse

RetrievePrintersResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.RetrievePrintersResponse

Print Job status details call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 430 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ SaleResponse

SaleResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.SaleResponse

Sale call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 354 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ TipAdded

TipAddedHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.TipAdded

Customer added a tip to the order on the device screen

Definition at line 366 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ TipAdjustAuthResponse

TipAdjustAuthResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.TipAdjustAuthResponse

Tip Adjust call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 334 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ VaultCardResponse

VaultCardResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VaultCardResponse

Vault Card call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 390 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ VerifySignatureRequest

VerifySignatureRequestHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VerifySignatureRequest

The customer has signed for the payment, the POS needs to confirm the signature so the payment can continue (eg Cashier compares signature to card as appropriate)

Definition at line 342 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ VoidPaymentRefundResponse

VoidPaymentRefundResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VoidPaymentRefundResponse

Void Payment Refund call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 374 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

◆ VoidPaymentResponse

VoidPaymentResponseHandler Clover.RemotePay.CloverEventConnector.VoidPaymentResponse

Void Payment call has completed with these details (success or failure)

Definition at line 370 of file CloverEventConnector.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: