Provides an api for communicating with a Clover Mini as a customer facing payment device.
CloverConnector provides an interface to communicate with a tethered Clover device to enable integration with Clover’s customer facing payment device capabilities.
- addCloverConnectorListener - adds a Clover Connector listener
- removeCloverConnectorListener - removes a Clover Connector listener
- initializeConnection - initializes the connection and starts communication with the Clover device
- sale - method to collect a final sale payment
- auth - method to collect a payment that can be tip adjusted
- preAuth - method to collect a payment that will not be eligible to be final until a capturePreAuth is processed on this payment
- capturePreAuth - method to make a preAuth payment eligible to be tip adjusted or finalized
- tipAdjustAuth - method to adjust the tip amount on a payment collected from an auth, or a payment that has been captured via capturePreAuth
- voidPayment - queues a request to void a payment
- refundPayment - refund a payment or partially refund a final payment
- voidPaymentRefund - void a payment refund (Canada flows only)
- manualRefund - provide a manual refund a.k.a. naked credit
- closeout - posts a closeout request to the server to closeout open payments
- displayPaymentReceiptOptions - (Deprecated) display the receipt selection screen
- displayReceiptOptions - Display the receipt selection screen for a payment, credit, or refund
- acceptSignature - method to accept a signature when the Clover device sends a
- rejectSignature - method to reject a signature when the Clover device sends a
- vaultCard - reads a card and retrieves a multi-pay token
- print - print the contents of the passed-in
object - retrievePrinters - request to retreive available printers
- retrievePrintJobStatus - request the status of a given print job
- openCashDrawer - opens a cash drawer attached to the Clover device with a passed in
object - showMessage - displays a simple message on the Clover device
- sendDebugLog - sends a message to the Clover device to upload its debug logs to the Clover servers
- showWelcomeScreen - displays the welcome screen on the Clover device
- showThankYouScreen - displays the thank you screen on the Clover device
- showDisplayOrder - displays the DisplayOrder passed in on the Clover device
- removeDisplayOrder - clears the DisplayOrder from the DisplayOrder screen
- resetDevice - requests the device exit whatever activity has been started and returns the device to Welcome. Note: Any payment in process will be voided
- invokeInputOption - sends an input option to the device, which may act on behalf of the customer. Input options are passed to the POS via the onDeviceActivityStart callback
- readCardData - reads a card and calls back with the card data. Financial cards will be returned encrypted
- acceptPayment - method to accept a payment when the Clover device sends a
- rejectPayment - method to reject a payment when the Clover device sends a
- retrievePendingPayments - requests the device send any payments taken offline that haven’t been processed by the server
- dispose - cleans up the CloverConnector and disconnects from the Clover device
- startCustomActivity - send a request to start a custom activity on the Clover device
- sendMessageToActivity - send a message to a custom activity running on the Clover device
- retrieveDeviceStatus - query the status of the device, callback on onRetrieveDeviceStatus
- retrievePayment - query the device for the status of a payment on the device by its external id, callback on on
- registerForCustomerProvidedData - registers for callbacks for customer provided data via the Loyalty API
- setCustomerInfo - provides customer data back to the Cover device. Loyalty API
- onSaleResponse - called at the completion of a sale request with either a payment or a cancel state
- onAuthResponse - called at the completion of an auth request with either a payment or a cancel state
- onPreAuthResponse - called at the completion of a preAuth request with either a payment or a cancel state
- onTipAdjustAuthResponse - called at the completion ofo a tipAdjustAuth request
- onVoidPaymentResponse - called at the completion of a void payment request
- onRefundPaymentResponse - called at the completion of a refund payment request
- onVoidPaymentRefundResponse - called at the completion of a voidPaymentRefund request
- onManualRefundResponse - called at the completion of a manual refund request
- onCloseoutResponse - called at the completion of a closeout request
- onVerifySignatureRequest - called if the Clover device needs acceptance of a signature
- onVaultCardResponse - called in response to a vaultCard request
- onDeviceActivityStart - called when the Clover device transitions to a new screen or activity.
- onDeviceActivityEnd - called when the Clover device transitions awa from a screen or activity.
- onDeviceError - called when an error occurs while trying to send messages to the Clover device
- onDeviceConnected - called when the Clover device is initially connected, but not ready to communicate
- onDeviceReady - called when the Clover device is ready to communicate and respond to requests
- onDeviceDisconnected - called when the Clover device is disconnected from the CloverConnector or not responding
- onConfirmPaymentRequest - called if the Clover device needs confirmation of a payment (duplicate verification, offline verification)
- onTipAdded - called when a customer selects a tip amount on the Clover device’s screen
- onPrintManualRefundReceipt - called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Manual Refund
- onPrintManualRefundDeclineReceipt - called when a user requests a paper receipt for a declined Manual Refund
- onPrintPaymentReceipt - called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Payment
- onPrintPaymentDeclineReceipt - called when a user requests a paper receipt for a declined Payment
- onPrintPaymentMerchantCopyReceipt - called when a user requests a merchant copy of a Payment receipt
- onPrintRefundPaymentReceipt - called when a user requests a paper receipt for a Payment Refund
- onDisplayReceiptOptionsResponse - called in response to a DisplayReceiptOptions request
- onRetrievePrintersResponse - called at the completion of a retrievePrinters request
- onPrintJobStatusResponse - called at the completion of a retrievePrintJobStatus
- onRetrievePendingPaymentsResponse - called in response to a retrieve pending payments request. Returns a list of payments not yet submitted to the server
- onReadCardDataResponse - called at the completion of a read card data request. Data may come back encrypted depending on the card type and bin
- onCustomActivityResponse - called at the completion of a custom activity
- onResetDeviceResponse - called at the completion of a resetDevice request
- onCustomerProvidedDataEvent - called in response to customer provided data via the Loyalty API. Call registerForCustomerProvided data to request that this message be sent.
- onMessageFromActivity - called if the custom activity wants to send a message back to the POS, prior to finishing
- onRetrievePaymentResponse - called at the completion of a retrievePayment request
- onRetrieveDeviceStatusResponse - called at the completion of a retrieveDeviceStatus request
- onInvalidStateTransitionResponse - called in response to a request that results in an invalid payment flow transition
pod 'CloverConnector'