Class Order

    • Constructor Detail

      • Order

        public Order()
        Constructs a new empty instance.
      • Order

        protected Order​(boolean noInit)
        Constructs a new empty instance.
      • Order

        public Order​(JSONObject jsonObject)
        Construct a new instance backed by the given JSONObject, the parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • Order

        public Order​(Order src)
        Constructs a new instance that is a deep copy of the source instance. It does not copy the bundle or changelog.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Unique identifier
      • getCurrency

        public String getCurrency()
        Currency of this order. For example, "USD"
      • getCustomers

        public List<Customer> getCustomers()
        List of customers associated with this order.
      • getEmployee

        public Reference getEmployee()
        The employee who took this order
      • getTotal

        public Long getTotal()
        Total price of the order in cents
      • getExternalReferenceId

        public String getExternalReferenceId()
        External reference id if present in the order
      • getUnpaidBalance

        public Long getUnpaidBalance()
        The net of orders with payment minus the amount collected. Includes refunds, manual refunds, tax, tip, service charge, non-revenue items, paid gift card activations and loads and discounts
      • getPaymentState

        public PaymentState getPaymentState()
        Is this order paid or not?
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
      • getNote

        public String getNote()
        An arbitrary string with information about this order, may be printed on the order receipt and displayed in apps
      • getOrderType

        public OrderType getOrderType()
      • getTaxRemoved

        public Boolean getTaxRemoved()
        If true then this order should not have taxes applied to it
      • getIsVat

        public Boolean getIsVat()
        This order was created by merchant with VAT enabled.
      • getState

        public String getState()
        A String generally describing the state of the order. If no value is set, the state defaults to null, which indicates a hidden order. A hidden order is not displayed in user interfaces and can only be retrieved by its id. When creating an order via the REST API the value must be manually set to "open". When creating an order via the Android SDK the value must be left empty and the value will be updated to "open" and "locked" automatically when actions such as taking payments and adding line items occur. The state value is not checked or enforced by the Clover server, at this time it is used for visualization purposes only.
      • getManualTransaction

        public Boolean getManualTransaction()
        Whether this order represents a manual transaction. A manual transaction is a transaction that has an arbitrary amount defined and is not associated with any inventory items. For example, the Clover Sale App and Clover Manual Transaction App create manual transactions. A manual transactions will have a single associated line item to hold the sale amount, but the generated receipt will display this differently to indicate that it is not considered a typical order with inventory items.
      • getGroupLineItems

        public Boolean getGroupLineItems()
        Whether similar line items should be grouped together on the receipt that this order generates. Item "similarity" is based on items having matching values for a set of properties including price, modifiers, and discounts.
      • getTestMode

        public Boolean getTestMode()
        Whether this order was created in test mode. Payments made against test orders are not processed. Test mode orders can be deleted from the Orders App on the merchant's device or web dashboard ({mId}/orders). They will also be deleted when the device sends a POST to the /v2/merchant/{mId}/orders/delete_all_tests endpoint.
      • getPayType

        public PayType getPayType()
        Possible values: SPLIT_GUEST, SPLIT_ITEM, SPLIT_CUSTOM, FULL. During the payment flow, if the user chooses to split the payment for this order, this field will be set to one of the SPLIT_* values to indicate how the full amount should be split. If the user chooses to pay for the order in full with one payment, then this field will be FULL.
      • getCreatedTime

        public Long getCreatedTime()
        Creation timestamp
      • getClientCreatedTime

        public Long getClientCreatedTime()
        The time at which the client created this order
      • getModifiedTime

        public Long getModifiedTime()
        Last modified time of the order
      • getDeletedTimestamp

        public Long getDeletedTimestamp()
      • getServiceCharge

        public ServiceCharge getServiceCharge()
        Optional service charge (gratuity) applied to this order
      • getDiscounts

        public List<Discount> getDiscounts()
        Amount or percentage discounts applied to the order subtotal. To retrieve discounts applied to individual items, use the Get all line items for an order endpoint with the discounts field expanded (v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}/line_items?expand=discounts).
      • getLineItems

        public List<LineItem> getLineItems()
        Line items associated with this order
      • getPayments

        public List<Payment> getPayments()
        Payments that were made for this order. If multiple payments were made, then the payType field should reflect the method used to split the total amount.
      • getRefunds

        public List<Refund> getRefunds()
        Refunds that were made for this order
      • getCredits

        public List<Credit> getCredits()
        Credits associated with this order.
      • getVoids

        public List<Payment> getVoids()
        Voided payments associated with this order
      • getPreAuths

        public List<Payment> getPreAuths()
        Pre-authorizations associated with this order
      • getDevice

        public Reference getDevice()
        Device which created the order, a 128-bit UUID, not a normal base-13 Clover ID.
      • getAuthorizations

        public List<Authorization> getAuthorizations()
        Card authorizations associated with this order
      • getMerchant

        public Reference getMerchant()
      • getPrintGroups

        public List<PrintGroup> getPrintGroups()
        Print groups for line items of this order.
      • getOrderFulfillmentEvent

        public LineItemEvent getOrderFulfillmentEvent()
        Latest order fulfillment event of this order.
      • getJSONObject

        public JSONObject getJSONObject()
        Returns the internal JSONObject backing this instance, the return value is not a copy so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
        Specified by:
        getJSONObject in interface JSONifiable
      • isNotNullId

        public boolean isNotNullId()
        Checks whether the 'id' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullCurrency

        public boolean isNotNullCurrency()
        Checks whether the 'currency' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullCustomers

        public boolean isNotNullCustomers()
        Checks whether the 'customers' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyCustomers

        public boolean isNotEmptyCustomers()
        Checks whether the 'customers' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullEmployee

        public boolean isNotNullEmployee()
        Checks whether the 'employee' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullTotal

        public boolean isNotNullTotal()
        Checks whether the 'total' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullExternalReferenceId

        public boolean isNotNullExternalReferenceId()
        Checks whether the 'externalReferenceId' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullUnpaidBalance

        public boolean isNotNullUnpaidBalance()
        Checks whether the 'unpaidBalance' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullPaymentState

        public boolean isNotNullPaymentState()
        Checks whether the 'paymentState' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullTitle

        public boolean isNotNullTitle()
        Checks whether the 'title' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullNote

        public boolean isNotNullNote()
        Checks whether the 'note' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullOrderType

        public boolean isNotNullOrderType()
        Checks whether the 'orderType' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullTaxRemoved

        public boolean isNotNullTaxRemoved()
        Checks whether the 'taxRemoved' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullIsVat

        public boolean isNotNullIsVat()
        Checks whether the 'isVat' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullState

        public boolean isNotNullState()
        Checks whether the 'state' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullManualTransaction

        public boolean isNotNullManualTransaction()
        Checks whether the 'manualTransaction' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullGroupLineItems

        public boolean isNotNullGroupLineItems()
        Checks whether the 'groupLineItems' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullTestMode

        public boolean isNotNullTestMode()
        Checks whether the 'testMode' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullPayType

        public boolean isNotNullPayType()
        Checks whether the 'payType' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullCreatedTime

        public boolean isNotNullCreatedTime()
        Checks whether the 'createdTime' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullClientCreatedTime

        public boolean isNotNullClientCreatedTime()
        Checks whether the 'clientCreatedTime' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullModifiedTime

        public boolean isNotNullModifiedTime()
        Checks whether the 'modifiedTime' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullDeletedTimestamp

        public boolean isNotNullDeletedTimestamp()
        Checks whether the 'deletedTimestamp' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullServiceCharge

        public boolean isNotNullServiceCharge()
        Checks whether the 'serviceCharge' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullAdditionalCharges

        public boolean isNotNullAdditionalCharges()
        Checks whether the 'additionalCharges' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyAdditionalCharges

        public boolean isNotEmptyAdditionalCharges()
        Checks whether the 'additionalCharges' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullDiscounts

        public boolean isNotNullDiscounts()
        Checks whether the 'discounts' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyDiscounts

        public boolean isNotEmptyDiscounts()
        Checks whether the 'discounts' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullLineItems

        public boolean isNotNullLineItems()
        Checks whether the 'lineItems' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyLineItems

        public boolean isNotEmptyLineItems()
        Checks whether the 'lineItems' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullPayments

        public boolean isNotNullPayments()
        Checks whether the 'payments' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyPayments

        public boolean isNotEmptyPayments()
        Checks whether the 'payments' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullRefunds

        public boolean isNotNullRefunds()
        Checks whether the 'refunds' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyRefunds

        public boolean isNotEmptyRefunds()
        Checks whether the 'refunds' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullCredits

        public boolean isNotNullCredits()
        Checks whether the 'credits' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyCredits

        public boolean isNotEmptyCredits()
        Checks whether the 'credits' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullVoids

        public boolean isNotNullVoids()
        Checks whether the 'voids' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyVoids

        public boolean isNotEmptyVoids()
        Checks whether the 'voids' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullPreAuths

        public boolean isNotNullPreAuths()
        Checks whether the 'preAuths' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyPreAuths

        public boolean isNotEmptyPreAuths()
        Checks whether the 'preAuths' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullDevice

        public boolean isNotNullDevice()
        Checks whether the 'device' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullAuthorizations

        public boolean isNotNullAuthorizations()
        Checks whether the 'authorizations' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyAuthorizations

        public boolean isNotEmptyAuthorizations()
        Checks whether the 'authorizations' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullMerchant

        public boolean isNotNullMerchant()
        Checks whether the 'merchant' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullOnlineOrder

        public boolean isNotNullOnlineOrder()
        Checks whether the 'onlineOrder' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullPrintGroups

        public boolean isNotNullPrintGroups()
        Checks whether the 'printGroups' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyPrintGroups

        public boolean isNotEmptyPrintGroups()
        Checks whether the 'printGroups' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullOrderFulfillmentEvent

        public boolean isNotNullOrderFulfillmentEvent()
        Checks whether the 'orderFulfillmentEvent' field is set and is not null
      • hasId

        public boolean hasId()
        Checks whether the 'id' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasCurrency

        public boolean hasCurrency()
        Checks whether the 'currency' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasCustomers

        public boolean hasCustomers()
        Checks whether the 'customers' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasEmployee

        public boolean hasEmployee()
        Checks whether the 'employee' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTotal

        public boolean hasTotal()
        Checks whether the 'total' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasExternalReferenceId

        public boolean hasExternalReferenceId()
        Checks whether the 'externalReferenceId' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasUnpaidBalance

        public boolean hasUnpaidBalance()
        Checks whether the 'unpaidBalance' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPaymentState

        public boolean hasPaymentState()
        Checks whether the 'paymentState' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTitle

        public boolean hasTitle()
        Checks whether the 'title' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasNote

        public boolean hasNote()
        Checks whether the 'note' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOrderType

        public boolean hasOrderType()
        Checks whether the 'orderType' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTaxRemoved

        public boolean hasTaxRemoved()
        Checks whether the 'taxRemoved' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasIsVat

        public boolean hasIsVat()
        Checks whether the 'isVat' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasState

        public boolean hasState()
        Checks whether the 'state' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasManualTransaction

        public boolean hasManualTransaction()
        Checks whether the 'manualTransaction' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasGroupLineItems

        public boolean hasGroupLineItems()
        Checks whether the 'groupLineItems' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTestMode

        public boolean hasTestMode()
        Checks whether the 'testMode' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPayType

        public boolean hasPayType()
        Checks whether the 'payType' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasCreatedTime

        public boolean hasCreatedTime()
        Checks whether the 'createdTime' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasClientCreatedTime

        public boolean hasClientCreatedTime()
        Checks whether the 'clientCreatedTime' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasModifiedTime

        public boolean hasModifiedTime()
        Checks whether the 'modifiedTime' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasDeletedTimestamp

        public boolean hasDeletedTimestamp()
        Checks whether the 'deletedTimestamp' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasServiceCharge

        public boolean hasServiceCharge()
        Checks whether the 'serviceCharge' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasAdditionalCharges

        public boolean hasAdditionalCharges()
        Checks whether the 'additionalCharges' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasDiscounts

        public boolean hasDiscounts()
        Checks whether the 'discounts' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasLineItems

        public boolean hasLineItems()
        Checks whether the 'lineItems' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPayments

        public boolean hasPayments()
        Checks whether the 'payments' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasRefunds

        public boolean hasRefunds()
        Checks whether the 'refunds' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasCredits

        public boolean hasCredits()
        Checks whether the 'credits' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasVoids

        public boolean hasVoids()
        Checks whether the 'voids' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPreAuths

        public boolean hasPreAuths()
        Checks whether the 'preAuths' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasDevice

        public boolean hasDevice()
        Checks whether the 'device' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasAuthorizations

        public boolean hasAuthorizations()
        Checks whether the 'authorizations' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasMerchant

        public boolean hasMerchant()
        Checks whether the 'merchant' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOnlineOrder

        public boolean hasOnlineOrder()
        Checks whether the 'onlineOrder' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPrintGroups

        public boolean hasPrintGroups()
        Checks whether the 'printGroups' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOrderFulfillmentEvent

        public boolean hasOrderFulfillmentEvent()
        Checks whether the 'orderFulfillmentEvent' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • setId

        public Order setId​(String id)
        Sets the field 'id'.
      • setCurrency

        public Order setCurrency​(String currency)
        Sets the field 'currency'.
      • setCustomers

        public Order setCustomers​(List<Customer> customers)
        Sets the field 'customers'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setEmployee

        public Order setEmployee​(Reference employee)
        Sets the field 'employee'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setTotal

        public Order setTotal​(Long total)
        Sets the field 'total'.
      • setExternalReferenceId

        public Order setExternalReferenceId​(String externalReferenceId)
        Sets the field 'externalReferenceId'.
      • setUnpaidBalance

        public Order setUnpaidBalance​(Long unpaidBalance)
        Sets the field 'unpaidBalance'.
      • setPaymentState

        public Order setPaymentState​(PaymentState paymentState)
        Sets the field 'paymentState'.
      • setTitle

        public Order setTitle​(String title)
        Sets the field 'title'.
      • setNote

        public Order setNote​(String note)
        Sets the field 'note'.
      • setOrderType

        public Order setOrderType​(OrderType orderType)
        Sets the field 'orderType'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setTaxRemoved

        public Order setTaxRemoved​(Boolean taxRemoved)
        Sets the field 'taxRemoved'.
      • setIsVat

        public Order setIsVat​(Boolean isVat)
        Sets the field 'isVat'.
      • setState

        public Order setState​(String state)
        Sets the field 'state'.
      • setManualTransaction

        public Order setManualTransaction​(Boolean manualTransaction)
        Sets the field 'manualTransaction'.
      • setGroupLineItems

        public Order setGroupLineItems​(Boolean groupLineItems)
        Sets the field 'groupLineItems'.
      • setTestMode

        public Order setTestMode​(Boolean testMode)
        Sets the field 'testMode'.
      • setPayType

        public Order setPayType​(PayType payType)
        Sets the field 'payType'.
      • setCreatedTime

        public Order setCreatedTime​(Long createdTime)
        Sets the field 'createdTime'.
      • setClientCreatedTime

        public Order setClientCreatedTime​(Long clientCreatedTime)
        Sets the field 'clientCreatedTime'.
      • setModifiedTime

        public Order setModifiedTime​(Long modifiedTime)
        Sets the field 'modifiedTime'.
      • setDeletedTimestamp

        public Order setDeletedTimestamp​(Long deletedTimestamp)
        Sets the field 'deletedTimestamp'.
      • setServiceCharge

        public Order setServiceCharge​(ServiceCharge serviceCharge)
        Sets the field 'serviceCharge'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setAdditionalCharges

        public Order setAdditionalCharges​(List<AdditionalCharge> additionalCharges)
        Sets the field 'additionalCharges'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setDiscounts

        public Order setDiscounts​(List<Discount> discounts)
        Sets the field 'discounts'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setLineItems

        public Order setLineItems​(List<LineItem> lineItems)
        Sets the field 'lineItems'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setPayments

        public Order setPayments​(List<Payment> payments)
        Sets the field 'payments'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setRefunds

        public Order setRefunds​(List<Refund> refunds)
        Sets the field 'refunds'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setCredits

        public Order setCredits​(List<Credit> credits)
        Sets the field 'credits'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setVoids

        public Order setVoids​(List<Payment> voids)
        Sets the field 'voids'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setPreAuths

        public Order setPreAuths​(List<Payment> preAuths)
        Sets the field 'preAuths'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setDevice

        public Order setDevice​(Reference device)
        Sets the field 'device'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setAuthorizations

        public Order setAuthorizations​(List<Authorization> authorizations)
        Sets the field 'authorizations'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setMerchant

        public Order setMerchant​(Reference merchant)
        Sets the field 'merchant'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setOnlineOrder

        public Order setOnlineOrder​(OnlineOrder onlineOrder)
        Sets the field 'onlineOrder'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setPrintGroups

        public Order setPrintGroups​(List<PrintGroup> printGroups)
        Sets the field 'printGroups'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setOrderFulfillmentEvent

        public Order setOrderFulfillmentEvent​(LineItemEvent orderFulfillmentEvent)
        Sets the field 'orderFulfillmentEvent'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • clearId

        public void clearId()
        Clears the 'id' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearCurrency

        public void clearCurrency()
        Clears the 'currency' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearCustomers

        public void clearCustomers()
        Clears the 'customers' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearEmployee

        public void clearEmployee()
        Clears the 'employee' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTotal

        public void clearTotal()
        Clears the 'total' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearExternalReferenceId

        public void clearExternalReferenceId()
        Clears the 'externalReferenceId' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearUnpaidBalance

        public void clearUnpaidBalance()
        Clears the 'unpaidBalance' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPaymentState

        public void clearPaymentState()
        Clears the 'paymentState' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTitle

        public void clearTitle()
        Clears the 'title' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearNote

        public void clearNote()
        Clears the 'note' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOrderType

        public void clearOrderType()
        Clears the 'orderType' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTaxRemoved

        public void clearTaxRemoved()
        Clears the 'taxRemoved' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearIsVat

        public void clearIsVat()
        Clears the 'isVat' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearState

        public void clearState()
        Clears the 'state' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearManualTransaction

        public void clearManualTransaction()
        Clears the 'manualTransaction' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearGroupLineItems

        public void clearGroupLineItems()
        Clears the 'groupLineItems' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTestMode

        public void clearTestMode()
        Clears the 'testMode' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPayType

        public void clearPayType()
        Clears the 'payType' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearCreatedTime

        public void clearCreatedTime()
        Clears the 'createdTime' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearClientCreatedTime

        public void clearClientCreatedTime()
        Clears the 'clientCreatedTime' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearModifiedTime

        public void clearModifiedTime()
        Clears the 'modifiedTime' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearDeletedTimestamp

        public void clearDeletedTimestamp()
        Clears the 'deletedTimestamp' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearServiceCharge

        public void clearServiceCharge()
        Clears the 'serviceCharge' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearAdditionalCharges

        public void clearAdditionalCharges()
        Clears the 'additionalCharges' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearDiscounts

        public void clearDiscounts()
        Clears the 'discounts' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearLineItems

        public void clearLineItems()
        Clears the 'lineItems' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPayments

        public void clearPayments()
        Clears the 'payments' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearRefunds

        public void clearRefunds()
        Clears the 'refunds' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearCredits

        public void clearCredits()
        Clears the 'credits' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearVoids

        public void clearVoids()
        Clears the 'voids' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPreAuths

        public void clearPreAuths()
        Clears the 'preAuths' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearDevice

        public void clearDevice()
        Clears the 'device' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearAuthorizations

        public void clearAuthorizations()
        Clears the 'authorizations' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearMerchant

        public void clearMerchant()
        Clears the 'merchant' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOnlineOrder

        public void clearOnlineOrder()
        Clears the 'onlineOrder' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPrintGroups

        public void clearPrintGroups()
        Clears the 'printGroups' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOrderFulfillmentEvent

        public void clearOrderFulfillmentEvent()
        Clears the 'orderFulfillmentEvent' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • containsChanges

        public boolean containsChanges()
        Returns true if this instance has any changes.
      • resetChangeLog

        public void resetChangeLog()
        Reset the log of changes made to this instance, calling copyChanges() after this would return an empty instance.
      • copyChanges

        public Order copyChanges()
        Create a copy of this instance that contains only fields that were set after the constructor was called.
      • mergeChanges

        public void mergeChanges​(Order src)
        Copy all the changed fields from the given source to this instance.