
Use the TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder to build an intent for a merchant to add a tip to a payment. This is NOT to prompt the customer for a tip, rather it allows a merchant to apply a tip to an existing payment, for example, from a tip amount left on a receipt. If the tip amount is not provided (null) then a UI will be displayed allowing a merchant to enter a tip amount.


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Create the build with a required paymentId of the payment to apply the tip


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public class Response


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public final static String PAPI_SDK_NAME


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public static TipAdjustRequestIntentBuilder AdjustTip(String paymentId, @Nullable() Long tipAmount)
Use to create a Tip Adjust request to adjust a payment.
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public Intent build(Context context)
returns a single-use Intent that can be used to launch an Activity to process the request
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The amount of the tip.