
Create a new Order. Only the following fields are allowed during creation:

  • title
  • List
  • note

The following fields are set automatically by this call:

  • id
  • device - set the this device.
  • currency - set to the merchant's currency.
  • vat - set according to the merchant's setting.
  • groupLineItems - set according to the merchant's setting.
  • testMode - set according to the merchant's setting.
  • createdTime - set to this device's current time.
  • taxRemoved - set to false.
  • total - set to 0.
  • employee - set to the current employee logged into this device.

Any other fields included in this call will result in failure to create the order. Adding line items and making other changes should be done after order creation using other methods in this class.

Required Clover permission:




The order to create.
