
public class TipSuggestion extends GenericParcelable implements Validator, JSONifiable

This is an auto-generated Clover data object.



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public void TipSuggestion()
Constructs a new empty instance.
public void TipSuggestion(String json)
Constructs a new instance from the given JSON String.
public void TipSuggestion(JSONObject jsonObject)
Construct a new instance backed by the given JSONObject, the parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
public void TipSuggestion(TipSuggestion src)
Constructs a new instance that is a deep copy of the source instance.


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public interface Constraints


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public final static int CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR
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public final static int PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE


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public void clearAmount()
Clears the 'amount' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
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public void clearFlatTip()
Clears the 'flatTip' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
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public void clearId()
Clears the 'id' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
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public void clearIsEnabled()
Clears the 'isEnabled' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
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public void clearName()
Clears the 'name' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
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public void clearPercentage()
Clears the 'percentage' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
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public boolean containsChanges()
Returns true if this instance has any changes.
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Create a copy of this instance that contains only fields that were set after the constructor was called.
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public abstract int describeContents()
public final int describeContents()
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public Long getAmount()
Suggested tip amount
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public final Bundle getBundle()
Gets a Bundle which can be used to get and set data attached to this instance.
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public Long getFlatTip()
Suggested flat tip amount
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public String getId()
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Returns the internal JSONObject backing this instance, the return value is not a copy so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
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public String getName()
Name of the tip
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Suggested tip percentage
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public boolean hasAmount()
Checks whether the 'amount' field has been set, however the value could be null
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public boolean hasFlatTip()
Checks whether the 'flatTip' field has been set, however the value could be null
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public boolean hasId()
Checks whether the 'id' field has been set, however the value could be null
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public boolean hasIsEnabled()
Checks whether the 'isEnabled' field has been set, however the value could be null
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public boolean hasName()
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set, however the value could be null
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public boolean hasPercentage()
Checks whether the 'percentage' field has been set, however the value could be null
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public boolean isNotNullAmount()
Checks whether the 'amount' field is set and is not null
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public boolean isNotNullFlatTip()
Checks whether the 'flatTip' field is set and is not null
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public boolean isNotNullId()
Checks whether the 'id' field is set and is not null
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public boolean isNotNullIsEnabled()
Checks whether the 'isEnabled' field is set and is not null
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public boolean isNotNullName()
Checks whether the 'name' field is set and is not null
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public boolean isNotNullPercentage()
Checks whether the 'percentage' field is set and is not null
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public void mergeChanges(TipSuggestion src)
Copy all the changed fields from the given source to this instance.
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public void resetChangeLog()
Reset the log of changes made to this instance, calling copyChanges() after this would return an empty instance.
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public TipSuggestion setAmount(Long amount)
Sets the field 'amount'.
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public TipSuggestion setFlatTip(Long flatTip)
Sets the field 'flatTip'.
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Sets the field 'id'.
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public TipSuggestion setIsEnabled(Boolean isEnabled)
Sets the field 'isEnabled'.
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Sets the field 'name'.
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public TipSuggestion setPercentage(Long percentage)
Sets the field 'percentage'.
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public final String toString()
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public void validate()
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public abstract void writeToParcel(Parcel p, int p1)
public final void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)