Functional implementation of Display Control. Part of the DisplayConnector architecture. In the clover-android-sdk repo, the com.clover.connector.sdk.v3.DisplayConnector uses a com.clover.connector.sdk.v3.DisplayV3Connector to connect to an aidl service located in the payments repo using the com.clover.connector.sdk.v3.DisplayIntent#ACTION_DISPLAY_SERVICE_V3 ("com.clover.intent.action.DISPLAY_SERVICE_V3") intent action. In the payments repo, the com.clover.payment.display.DisplayService is started by the ACTION_DISPLAY_SERVICE_V3 intent. The DisplayService creates a com.clover.payment.v3.DisplayBinderV3 during binding, which creates the com.clover.payment.v3.DisplayBinderImpl instance. The DisplayBinderImpl contains the functionality to control the display. It does this via broadcasts that are received by the com.clover.payment.display.PaymentDisplayService.OrderPaymentEventsReceiver which sends the broadcast intent to com.clover.payment.display.PaymentDisplayService#onStartCommand(android.content.Intent, int, int). The PaymentDisplayService interprets the intent, and displays a message on the display(s) it controls, or the intent may (en/dis)able display of orders created on the device. This is a placeholder. We expect to enhance the interface to have callbacks for what was displayed.