Source: remotemessage/ImagePrintMessage.js

  1. /**
  2. * Autogenerated by Avro
  3. *
  5. */
  6. var remotemessage_Method = require("../remotemessage/Method");
  7. var printer_Printer = require("../printer/Printer");
  8. var remotemessage_Message = require("../remotemessage/Message");
  9. /**
  10. * @constructor
  11. * @augments remotemessage.Message
  12. * @memberof remotemessage
  13. */
  14. var ImagePrintMessage = function() {
  16. this._superClass_ = remotemessage_Message;
  17. this._class_ = ImagePrintMessage;
  18. this.setMethod(remotemessage_Method["PRINT_IMAGE"]);
  19. this.png = undefined;
  20. this.urlString = undefined;
  21. this.externalPrintJobId = undefined;
  22. this.printer = undefined;
  23. };
  24. ImagePrintMessage.prototype = Object.create(remotemessage_Message.prototype);
  25. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.constructor = ImagePrintMessage;
  26. /**
  27. * Set the field value
  28. * An image serialized to a base64 encoded byte array
  29. *
  30. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  31. * @param {Object} png Byte buffer
  32. */
  33. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.setPng = function(png) {
  34. this.png = png;
  35. };
  36. /**
  37. * Get the field value
  38. * An image serialized to a base64 encoded byte array
  39. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  40. * @return {Object} Byte buffer
  41. */
  42. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.getPng = function() {
  43. return this.png;
  44. };
  45. /**
  46. * Set the field value
  47. * The url of an image. The url must be accessible from the Clover device.
  48. *
  49. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  50. * @param {String} urlString
  51. */
  52. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.setUrlString = function(urlString) {
  53. this.urlString = urlString;
  54. };
  55. /**
  56. * Get the field value
  57. * The url of an image. The url must be accessible from the Clover device.
  58. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  59. * @return {String}
  60. */
  61. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.getUrlString = function() {
  62. return this.urlString;
  63. };
  64. /**
  65. * Set the field value
  66. * External print job ID assigned to this request
  67. *
  68. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  69. * @param {String} externalPrintJobId
  70. */
  71. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.setExternalPrintJobId = function(externalPrintJobId) {
  72. this.externalPrintJobId = externalPrintJobId;
  73. };
  74. /**
  75. * Get the field value
  76. * External print job ID assigned to this request
  77. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  78. * @return {String}
  79. */
  80. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.getExternalPrintJobId = function() {
  81. return this.externalPrintJobId;
  82. };
  83. /**
  84. * Set the field value
  85. * Printer to which the print job should be routed.
  86. *
  87. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  88. * @param {printer.Printer} printer
  89. */
  90. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.setPrinter = function(printer) {
  91. this.printer = printer;
  92. };
  93. /**
  94. * Get the field value
  95. * Printer to which the print job should be routed.
  96. * @memberof remotemessage.ImagePrintMessage
  97. * @return {printer.Printer}
  98. */
  99. ImagePrintMessage.prototype.getPrinter = function() {
  100. return this.printer;
  101. };
  102. ImagePrintMessage._meta_ = {fields: {}};
  103. ImagePrintMessage._meta_._class_ = ImagePrintMessage;
  104. ImagePrintMessage._meta_._superMeta_ = remotemessage_Message._meta_;
  105. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["png"] = {};
  106. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["png"].type = Object;
  107. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["urlString"] = {};
  108. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["urlString"].type = String;
  109. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["externalPrintJobId"] = {};
  110. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["externalPrintJobId"].type = String;
  111. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["printer"] = {};
  112. ImagePrintMessage._meta_.fields["printer"].type = printer_Printer;
  113. //
  114. // Expose the module.
  115. //
  116. if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
  117. module.exports = ImagePrintMessage;
  118. }