Source: payments/TransactionInfo.js

 * Autogenerated by Avro

var payments_SelectedService = require("../payments/SelectedService");
var payments_TxFormat = require("../payments/TxFormat");
var base_Reference = require("../base/Reference");
var payments_ReversalReason = require("../payments/ReversalReason");
var payments_TransactionResult = require("../payments/TransactionResult");
var payments_AccountType = require("../payments/AccountType");
var customers_IdentityDocument = require("../customers/IdentityDocument");

* @constructor
* @memberof payments
var TransactionInfo = function() {
  this._class_ = TransactionInfo;
  this.languageIndicator = undefined;
  this.transactionLocale = undefined;
  this.accountSelection = undefined;
  this.paymentRef = undefined;
  this.creditRef = undefined;
  this.refundRef = undefined;
  this.creditRefundRef = undefined;
  this.fiscalInvoiceNumber = undefined;
  this.installmentsQuantity = undefined;
  this.installmentsPlanCode = undefined;
  this.installmentsPlanId = undefined;
  this.installmentsPlanDesc = undefined;
  this.cardTypeLabel = undefined;
  this.stan = undefined;
  this.identityDocument = undefined;
  this.batchNumber = undefined;
  this.receiptNumber = undefined;
  this.reversalStan = undefined;
  this.reversalMac = undefined;
  this.reversalMacKsn = undefined;
  this.terminalIdentification = undefined;
  this.merchantIdentifier = undefined;
  this.merchantNameLocation = undefined;
  this.maskedTrack2 = undefined;
  this.receiptExtraData = undefined;
  this.selectedService = undefined;
  this.transactionResult = undefined;
  this.transactionTags = undefined;
  this.txFormat = undefined;
  this.panMask = undefined;
  this.transactionSequenceCounter = undefined;
  this.applicationPanSequenceNumber = undefined;
  this.reversalReason = undefined;
  this.isTokenBasedTx = false;
  this.origTransactionSequenceCounter = undefined;
  this.transactionSequenceCounterUpdate = undefined;

* Set the field value
* 2 character language used for the transaction.  Deprecated in factor of transactionLocale.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} languageIndicator 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setLanguageIndicator = function(languageIndicator) {
  this.languageIndicator = languageIndicator;

* Get the field value
* 2 character language used for the transaction.  Deprecated in factor of transactionLocale.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getLanguageIndicator = function() {
  return this.languageIndicator;

* Set the field value
* Locale for the transaction (e.g. en-CA)
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} transactionLocale 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTransactionLocale = function(transactionLocale) {
  this.transactionLocale = transactionLocale;

* Get the field value
* Locale for the transaction (e.g. en-CA)
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTransactionLocale = function() {
  return this.transactionLocale;

* Set the field value
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {payments.AccountType} accountSelection 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setAccountSelection = function(accountSelection) {
  this.accountSelection = accountSelection;

* Get the field value
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {payments.AccountType} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getAccountSelection = function() {
  return this.accountSelection;

* Set the field value
* The payment with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {base.Reference} paymentRef 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setPaymentRef = function(paymentRef) {
  this.paymentRef = paymentRef;

* Get the field value
* The payment with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {base.Reference} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getPaymentRef = function() {
  return this.paymentRef;

* Set the field value
* The credit with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {base.Reference} creditRef 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setCreditRef = function(creditRef) {
  this.creditRef = creditRef;

* Get the field value
* The credit with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {base.Reference} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getCreditRef = function() {
  return this.creditRef;

* Set the field value
* The refund with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {base.Reference} refundRef 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setRefundRef = function(refundRef) {
  this.refundRef = refundRef;

* Get the field value
* The refund with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {base.Reference} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getRefundRef = function() {
  return this.refundRef;

* Set the field value
* The credit refund with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {base.Reference} creditRefundRef 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setCreditRefundRef = function(creditRefundRef) {
  this.creditRefundRef = creditRefundRef;

* Get the field value
* The credit refund with which this extra is associated
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {base.Reference} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getCreditRefundRef = function() {
  return this.creditRefundRef;

* Set the field value
* Consists of 4 digits prefix + 8 digits
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} fiscalInvoiceNumber 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setFiscalInvoiceNumber = function(fiscalInvoiceNumber) {
  this.fiscalInvoiceNumber = fiscalInvoiceNumber;

* Get the field value
* Consists of 4 digits prefix + 8 digits
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getFiscalInvoiceNumber = function() {
  return this.fiscalInvoiceNumber;

* Set the field value
* AR Installments: number of installments
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {Number} installmentsQuantity must be an integer
TransactionInfo.prototype.setInstallmentsQuantity = function(installmentsQuantity) {
  this.installmentsQuantity = installmentsQuantity;

* Get the field value
* AR Installments: number of installments
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {Number} must be an integer
TransactionInfo.prototype.getInstallmentsQuantity = function() {
  return this.installmentsQuantity;

* Set the field value
* AR Installments: plan alphanum code
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} installmentsPlanCode 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setInstallmentsPlanCode = function(installmentsPlanCode) {
  this.installmentsPlanCode = installmentsPlanCode;

* Get the field value
* AR Installments: plan alphanum code
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getInstallmentsPlanCode = function() {
  return this.installmentsPlanCode;

* Set the field value
* AR Installments: selected plan id
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} installmentsPlanId 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setInstallmentsPlanId = function(installmentsPlanId) {
  this.installmentsPlanId = installmentsPlanId;

* Get the field value
* AR Installments: selected plan id
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getInstallmentsPlanId = function() {
  return this.installmentsPlanId;

* Set the field value
* AR Installments: selected plan desc
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} installmentsPlanDesc 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setInstallmentsPlanDesc = function(installmentsPlanDesc) {
  this.installmentsPlanDesc = installmentsPlanDesc;

* Get the field value
* AR Installments: selected plan desc
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getInstallmentsPlanDesc = function() {
  return this.installmentsPlanDesc;

* Set the field value
* Card type label
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} cardTypeLabel 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setCardTypeLabel = function(cardTypeLabel) {
  this.cardTypeLabel = cardTypeLabel;

* Get the field value
* Card type label
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getCardTypeLabel = function() {
  return this.cardTypeLabel;

* Set the field value
* STAN(System Audit Trace Number)
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {Number} stan must be an integer
TransactionInfo.prototype.setStan = function(stan) {
  this.stan = stan;

* Get the field value
* STAN(System Audit Trace Number)
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {Number} must be an integer
TransactionInfo.prototype.getStan = function() {
  return this.stan;

* Set the field value
* Customers identification number and type
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {customers.IdentityDocument|Null} identityDocument 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setIdentityDocument = function(identityDocument) {
  this.identityDocument = identityDocument;

* Get the field value
* Customers identification number and type
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {customers.IdentityDocument|Null} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getIdentityDocument = function() {
  return this.identityDocument;

* Set the field value
* Transaction Batch Number
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} batchNumber 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setBatchNumber = function(batchNumber) {
  this.batchNumber = batchNumber;

* Get the field value
* Transaction Batch Number
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getBatchNumber = function() {
  return this.batchNumber;

* Set the field value
* Transaction Receipt Number
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} receiptNumber 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setReceiptNumber = function(receiptNumber) {
  this.receiptNumber = receiptNumber;

* Get the field value
* Transaction Receipt Number
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getReceiptNumber = function() {
  return this.receiptNumber;

* Set the field value
* STAN for reversal
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {Number} reversalStan must be an integer
TransactionInfo.prototype.setReversalStan = function(reversalStan) {
  this.reversalStan = reversalStan;

* Get the field value
* STAN for reversal
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {Number} must be an integer
TransactionInfo.prototype.getReversalStan = function() {
  return this.reversalStan;

* Set the field value
* MAC for reversal
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} reversalMac 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setReversalMac = function(reversalMac) {
  this.reversalMac = reversalMac;

* Get the field value
* MAC for reversal
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getReversalMac = function() {
  return this.reversalMac;

* Set the field value
* MAC KSN for reversal
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} reversalMacKsn 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setReversalMacKsn = function(reversalMacKsn) {
  this.reversalMacKsn = reversalMacKsn;

* Get the field value
* MAC KSN for reversal
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getReversalMacKsn = function() {
  return this.reversalMacKsn;

* Set the field value
* Designates the unique location of a terminal at a merchant
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} terminalIdentification 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTerminalIdentification = function(terminalIdentification) {
  this.terminalIdentification = terminalIdentification;

* Get the field value
* Designates the unique location of a terminal at a merchant
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTerminalIdentification = function() {
  return this.terminalIdentification;

* Set the field value
* When concatenated with the Acquirer Identifier, uniquely identifies a given merchant
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} merchantIdentifier 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setMerchantIdentifier = function(merchantIdentifier) {
  this.merchantIdentifier = merchantIdentifier;

* Get the field value
* When concatenated with the Acquirer Identifier, uniquely identifies a given merchant
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getMerchantIdentifier = function() {
  return this.merchantIdentifier;

* Set the field value
* Indicates the name and location of the merchant
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} merchantNameLocation 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setMerchantNameLocation = function(merchantNameLocation) {
  this.merchantNameLocation = merchantNameLocation;

* Get the field value
* Indicates the name and location of the merchant
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getMerchantNameLocation = function() {
  return this.merchantNameLocation;

* Set the field value
* Masked track2 data
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} maskedTrack2 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setMaskedTrack2 = function(maskedTrack2) {
  this.maskedTrack2 = maskedTrack2;

* Get the field value
* Masked track2 data
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getMaskedTrack2 = function() {
  return this.maskedTrack2;

* Set the field value
* Extra data for receipt
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} receiptExtraData 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setReceiptExtraData = function(receiptExtraData) {
  this.receiptExtraData = receiptExtraData;

* Get the field value
* Extra data for receipt
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getReceiptExtraData = function() {
  return this.receiptExtraData;

* Set the field value
* Defines the Financial Service selected for the transaction
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {payments.SelectedService} selectedService 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setSelectedService = function(selectedService) {
  this.selectedService = selectedService;

* Get the field value
* Defines the Financial Service selected for the transaction
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {payments.SelectedService} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getSelectedService = function() {
  return this.selectedService;

* Set the field value
* Result of the transaction
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {payments.TransactionResult} transactionResult 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTransactionResult = function(transactionResult) {
  this.transactionResult = transactionResult;

* Get the field value
* Result of the transaction
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {payments.TransactionResult} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTransactionResult = function() {
  return this.transactionResult;

* Set the field value
* Contains a hex string with needed TLV tags for certification
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} transactionTags 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTransactionTags = function(transactionTags) {
  this.transactionTags = transactionTags;

* Get the field value
* Contains a hex string with needed TLV tags for certification
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTransactionTags = function() {
  return this.transactionTags;

* Set the field value
* Contains the information how the data inside transactionTags should be coded - initially we cause default and nexo as formats
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {payments.TxFormat} txFormat 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTxFormat = function(txFormat) {
  this.txFormat = txFormat;

* Get the field value
* Contains the information how the data inside transactionTags should be coded - initially we cause default and nexo as formats
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {payments.TxFormat} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTxFormat = function() {
  return this.txFormat;

* Set the field value
* Contains the information how the PAN should masked.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} panMask 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setPanMask = function(panMask) {
  this.panMask = panMask;

* Get the field value
* Contains the information how the PAN should masked.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getPanMask = function() {
  return this.panMask;

* Set the field value
* Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented for each transaction at the beginning of the Perform Service function.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} transactionSequenceCounter 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTransactionSequenceCounter = function(transactionSequenceCounter) {
  this.transactionSequenceCounter = transactionSequenceCounter;

* Get the field value
* Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented for each transaction at the beginning of the Perform Service function.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTransactionSequenceCounter = function() {
  return this.transactionSequenceCounter;

* Set the field value
* Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} applicationPanSequenceNumber 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setApplicationPanSequenceNumber = function(applicationPanSequenceNumber) {
  this.applicationPanSequenceNumber = applicationPanSequenceNumber;

* Get the field value
* Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getApplicationPanSequenceNumber = function() {
  return this.applicationPanSequenceNumber;

* Set the field value
* Contains the reason why the transaction should be reversed in the host. It has to be mapped in server with the expected value by the corresponding gateway
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {payments.ReversalReason} reversalReason 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setReversalReason = function(reversalReason) {
  this.reversalReason = reversalReason;

* Get the field value
* Contains the reason why the transaction should be reversed in the host. It has to be mapped in server with the expected value by the corresponding gateway
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {payments.ReversalReason} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getReversalReason = function() {
  return this.reversalReason;

* Set the field value
* Boolean to determine if the transaction done using a vaulted card is a token based transaction
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {Boolean} isTokenBasedTx 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setIsTokenBasedTx = function(isTokenBasedTx) {
  this.isTokenBasedTx = isTokenBasedTx;

* Get the field value
* Boolean to determine if the transaction done using a vaulted card is a token based transaction
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {Boolean} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getIsTokenBasedTx = function() {
  return this.isTokenBasedTx;

* Set the field value
* For reversal and capture transactions, this contains the reference (transactionSequenceCounter) to the originating transaction.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} origTransactionSequenceCounter 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setOrigTransactionSequenceCounter = function(origTransactionSequenceCounter) {
  this.origTransactionSequenceCounter = origTransactionSequenceCounter;

* Get the field value
* For reversal and capture transactions, this contains the reference (transactionSequenceCounter) to the originating transaction.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getOrigTransactionSequenceCounter = function() {
  return this.origTransactionSequenceCounter;

* Set the field value
* This field is populated when the TSC of a terminal is out of sync and is provided with an update.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @param {String} transactionSequenceCounterUpdate 
TransactionInfo.prototype.setTransactionSequenceCounterUpdate = function(transactionSequenceCounterUpdate) {
  this.transactionSequenceCounterUpdate = transactionSequenceCounterUpdate;

* Get the field value
* This field is populated when the TSC of a terminal is out of sync and is provided with an update.
* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @return {String} 
TransactionInfo.prototype.getTransactionSequenceCounterUpdate = function() {
  return this.transactionSequenceCounterUpdate;

* @memberof payments.TransactionInfo
* @private
TransactionInfo.prototype.getMetaInfo = function(fieldName) {
  var curclass = this._class_;
  do {
    var fieldMetaInfo = curclass._meta_.fields[fieldName];
    if(fieldMetaInfo) {
      return fieldMetaInfo;
    if(curclass._meta_._superMeta_) {
      curclass = curclass._meta_._superMeta_._class_;
    } else {
      curclass = null;
  } while(curclass);
  return null;

TransactionInfo.prototype.toString = function() {
  return JSON.stringify(this);

TransactionInfo._meta_ =  {fields:  {}};
TransactionInfo._meta_._class_ =  TransactionInfo;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["languageIndicator"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["languageIndicator"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionLocale"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionLocale"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["accountSelection"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["accountSelection"].type = payments_AccountType;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["paymentRef"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["paymentRef"].type = base_Reference;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["creditRef"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["creditRef"].type = base_Reference;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["refundRef"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["refundRef"].type = base_Reference;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["creditRefundRef"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["creditRefundRef"].type = base_Reference;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["fiscalInvoiceNumber"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["fiscalInvoiceNumber"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsQuantity"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsQuantity"].type = Number;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsPlanCode"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsPlanCode"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsPlanId"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsPlanId"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsPlanDesc"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["installmentsPlanDesc"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["cardTypeLabel"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["cardTypeLabel"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["stan"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["stan"].type = Number;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["identityDocument"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["identityDocument"].type = customers_IdentityDocument;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["batchNumber"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["batchNumber"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["receiptNumber"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["receiptNumber"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalStan"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalStan"].type = Number;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalMac"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalMac"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalMacKsn"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalMacKsn"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["terminalIdentification"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["terminalIdentification"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["merchantIdentifier"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["merchantIdentifier"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["merchantNameLocation"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["merchantNameLocation"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["maskedTrack2"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["maskedTrack2"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["receiptExtraData"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["receiptExtraData"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["selectedService"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["selectedService"].type = payments_SelectedService;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionResult"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionResult"].type = payments_TransactionResult;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionTags"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionTags"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["txFormat"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["txFormat"].type = payments_TxFormat;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["panMask"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["panMask"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionSequenceCounter"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionSequenceCounter"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["applicationPanSequenceNumber"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["applicationPanSequenceNumber"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalReason"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["reversalReason"].type = payments_ReversalReason;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["isTokenBasedTx"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["isTokenBasedTx"].type = Boolean;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["origTransactionSequenceCounter"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["origTransactionSequenceCounter"].type = String;
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionSequenceCounterUpdate"] = {};
TransactionInfo._meta_.fields["transactionSequenceCounterUpdate"].type = String;

// Expose the module.
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = TransactionInfo;