Source: remotepay/TransactionRequest.js

 * Autogenerated by Avro

var remotepay_BaseRequest = require("../remotepay/BaseRequest");
var remotepay_TransactionType = require("../remotepay/TransactionType");
var payments_DataEntryLocation = require("../payments/DataEntryLocation");
var payments_VaultedCard = require("../payments/VaultedCard");

* @constructor
* @augments remotepay.BaseRequest
* @memberof remotepay
var TransactionRequest = function() {;
  this._superClass_ = remotepay_BaseRequest;
  this._class_ = TransactionRequest;
  this.orderId = undefined;
  this.signatureThreshold = undefined;
  this.disablePrinting = undefined;
  this.disableReceiptSelection = undefined;
  this.disableDuplicateChecking = undefined;
  this.signatureEntryLocation = undefined;
  this.cardNotPresent = undefined;
  this.disableRestartTransactionOnFail = undefined;
  this.amount = undefined;
  this.cardEntryMethods = undefined;
  this.vaultedCard = undefined;
  this.externalId = undefined;
  this.type = undefined;
  this.autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations = undefined;
  this.autoAcceptSignature = undefined;

TransactionRequest.prototype = Object.create(remotepay_BaseRequest.prototype);
TransactionRequest.prototype.constructor = TransactionRequest;

* Set the field value
* Identifier for the order to apply this to.  The order must exist in the clover system.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {String} orderId 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setOrderId = function(orderId) {
  this.orderId = orderId;

* Get the field value
* Identifier for the order to apply this to.  The order must exist in the clover system.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {String} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getOrderId = function() {
  return this.orderId;

* Set the field value
* If the amount is equal to or greater than this amount, then a signature should be obtained
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Number} signatureThreshold must be a long integer
TransactionRequest.prototype.setSignatureThreshold = function(signatureThreshold) {
  this.signatureThreshold = signatureThreshold;

* Get the field value
* If the amount is equal to or greater than this amount, then a signature should be obtained
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Number} must be a long integer
TransactionRequest.prototype.getSignatureThreshold = function() {
  return this.signatureThreshold;

* Set the field value
* If true, then do not print using the clover printer.  Return print information.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} disablePrinting 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setDisablePrinting = function(disablePrinting) {
  this.disablePrinting = disablePrinting;

* Get the field value
* If true, then do not print using the clover printer.  Return print information.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getDisablePrinting = function() {
  return this.disablePrinting;

* Set the field value
* Do not show the receipt options screen
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} disableReceiptSelection 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setDisableReceiptSelection = function(disableReceiptSelection) {
  this.disableReceiptSelection = disableReceiptSelection;

* Get the field value
* Do not show the receipt options screen
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getDisableReceiptSelection = function() {
  return this.disableReceiptSelection;

* Set the field value
* Do not do heuristic duplicate checking
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} disableDuplicateChecking 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setDisableDuplicateChecking = function(disableDuplicateChecking) {
  this.disableDuplicateChecking = disableDuplicateChecking;

* Get the field value
* Do not do heuristic duplicate checking
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getDisableDuplicateChecking = function() {
  return this.disableDuplicateChecking;

* Set the field value
* Where the signature should be obtined from (paper, screen...etc)
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {payments.DataEntryLocation|Null} signatureEntryLocation 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setSignatureEntryLocation = function(signatureEntryLocation) {
  this.signatureEntryLocation = signatureEntryLocation;

* Get the field value
* Where the signature should be obtined from (paper, screen...etc)
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {payments.DataEntryLocation|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getSignatureEntryLocation = function() {
  return this.signatureEntryLocation;

* Set the field value
* If true then card not present is accepted
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} cardNotPresent 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setCardNotPresent = function(cardNotPresent) {
  this.cardNotPresent = cardNotPresent;

* Get the field value
* If true then card not present is accepted
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getCardNotPresent = function() {
  return this.cardNotPresent;

* Set the field value
* If the transaction times out or fails because of decline, do not restart it
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} disableRestartTransactionOnFail 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setDisableRestartTransactionOnFail = function(disableRestartTransactionOnFail) {
  this.disableRestartTransactionOnFail = disableRestartTransactionOnFail;

* Get the field value
* If the transaction times out or fails because of decline, do not restart it
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getDisableRestartTransactionOnFail = function() {
  return this.disableRestartTransactionOnFail;

* Set the field value
* Total amount paid
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Number} amount must be a long integer
TransactionRequest.prototype.setAmount = function(amount) {
  this.amount = amount;

* Get the field value
* Total amount paid
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Number} must be a long integer
TransactionRequest.prototype.getAmount = function() {
  return this.amount;

* Set the field value
* Allowed entry methods
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Number|Null} cardEntryMethods must be an integer, 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setCardEntryMethods = function(cardEntryMethods) {
  this.cardEntryMethods = cardEntryMethods;

* Get the field value
* Allowed entry methods
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Number|Null} must be an integer, 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getCardEntryMethods = function() {
  return this.cardEntryMethods;

* Set the field value
* A saved card
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {payments.VaultedCard|Null} vaultedCard 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setVaultedCard = function(vaultedCard) {
  this.vaultedCard = vaultedCard;

* Get the field value
* A saved card
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {payments.VaultedCard|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getVaultedCard = function() {
  return this.vaultedCard;

* Set the field value
* An id that will be persisted with transactions.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {String} externalId 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setExternalId = function(externalId) {
  this.externalId = externalId;

* Get the field value
* An id that will be persisted with transactions.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {String} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getExternalId = function() {
  return this.externalId;

* Set the field value
* The type of the transaction.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {remotepay.TransactionType} type 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setType = function(type) {
  this.type = type;

* Get the field value
* The type of the transaction.
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {remotepay.TransactionType} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getType = function() {
  return this.type;

* Set the field value
* Do not show/send potential duplicate challenges
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setAutoAcceptPaymentConfirmations = function(autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations) {
  this.autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations = autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations;

* Get the field value
* Do not show/send potential duplicate challenges
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getAutoAcceptPaymentConfirmations = function() {
  return this.autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations;

* Set the field value
* Do not show/send signature verification challenges
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @param {Boolean|Null} autoAcceptSignature 
TransactionRequest.prototype.setAutoAcceptSignature = function(autoAcceptSignature) {
  this.autoAcceptSignature = autoAcceptSignature;

* Get the field value
* Do not show/send signature verification challenges
* @memberof remotepay.TransactionRequest
* @return {Boolean|Null} 
TransactionRequest.prototype.getAutoAcceptSignature = function() {
  return this.autoAcceptSignature;

TransactionRequest._meta_ =  {fields:  {}};
TransactionRequest._meta_._class_ =  TransactionRequest;
TransactionRequest._meta_._superMeta_ = remotepay_BaseRequest._meta_;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["orderId"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["orderId"].type = String;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["signatureThreshold"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["signatureThreshold"].type = Number;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disablePrinting"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disablePrinting"].type = Boolean;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disableReceiptSelection"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disableReceiptSelection"].type = Boolean;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disableDuplicateChecking"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disableDuplicateChecking"].type = Boolean;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["signatureEntryLocation"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["signatureEntryLocation"].type = payments_DataEntryLocation;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["cardNotPresent"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["cardNotPresent"].type = Boolean;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disableRestartTransactionOnFail"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["disableRestartTransactionOnFail"].type = Boolean;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["amount"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["amount"].type = Number;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["cardEntryMethods"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["cardEntryMethods"].type = Number;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["vaultedCard"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["vaultedCard"].type = payments_VaultedCard;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["externalId"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["externalId"].type = String;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["type"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["type"].type = remotepay_TransactionType;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations"].type = Boolean;
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["autoAcceptSignature"] = {};
TransactionRequest._meta_.fields["autoAcceptSignature"].type = Boolean;

// Expose the module.
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = TransactionRequest;