Clover Hosted Checkout logo Clover Hosted Checkout

Once the app is configured, built, and running, follow these steps to walk through the checkout experience.

  1. Open http://localhost:3000.
  2. Click Pay. The hosted checkout page appears.
  3. In the First name and Last name fields, enter a name.
  4. In the Email field, enter a valid email address to receive the transaction receipt.
  5. In the Card Number field, enter 6011361000006668.
  6. In the Expiration field, enter any month and year in the future.
  7. In the CVV field, enter any three-digit number.
  8. In the Zip field, enter any five-digit number.
  9. Click Pay. The payment is processed and you are redirected to the success page.

Payment received

What’s next

Now that you have successfully processed a test payment, you can explore other features of hosted checkout. See Customize your checkout page for more information about the ways you can style and enrich the customer experience.