Clover Hosted Checkout logo Clover Hosted Checkout

To start the checkout process, you need to send data about the transaction to the /checkouts endpoint. For this app, we’ll create a Nuxt.js component to include on the index page. When a user clicks this button component, the following actions occur:

  1. The merchant’s API key and ID are retrieved from the .env file.
  2. The key and ID values are assigned to the relevant HTTP headers.
  3. A checkout session is created.
  4. The returned session data is used to redirect the user to the checkout page.

Create the component and add a button

  1. Create a new file in the components directory named checkout.vue.
  2. Open the new file in your editor.

    The first part of the component is the <template>, a container for the <button>.

  3. Add the following snippet to the file:

       <button class="button--green">Pay</button>

    If you run the app at this point, the button appears but there is no action tied to it. To make it usable, we need to add code to initiate a checkout session.

Add the scripting code

  1. In checkout.vue, add a <script> following the <template>.

  2. In the <script>, add an empty async method named startCheckoutSession().

     export default {
       methods: {
         async startCheckoutSession() {
  3. The checkout session request must be authenticated with the merchant’s hosted checkout API key. Add a variable named authKey to store this key.

     async startCheckoutSession() {
       let authKey = 'Bearer ' + this.$config.apiKey;
  4. The session request also requires the Clover merchant identifier (mId). Add another variable named mId for this value.

     async startCheckoutSession() {
       let authKey = 'Bearer ' + this.$config.apiKey;
       let mId = this.$config.mId;
  5. Set the HTTP headers using the variables created in the previous steps.

     let mId = this.$config.mId;
     this.$axios.setHeader('Authorization', authKey);
     this.$axios.setHeader('X-Clover-Merchant-ID', mId);
  6. Add a try/catch statement with a window alert to display any error messages returned by the API.

     try {
       } catch (error) {
  7. In the try block, set up the POST request by passing the /invoicingcheckoutservice/v1/checkouts as the first parameter.

     let checkoutSession = await this.$axios.$post('');
  8. For the second parameter, add a JSON request body including the customer and shoppingCart objects.

     let checkoutSession = await this.$axios.$post('',
         "customer": {
           "email": "",
           "firstName" : "Example",
           "lastName": "Customer",
           "phoneNumber": "223-555-0002"
         "shoppingCart": {
           "lineItems": [
               "name": "Apple",
               "unitQty": 1,
               "price": 100
               "name": "Orange",
               "unitQty": 2,
               "price": 75
  9. Once the endpoint returns a session ID, the user needs to be redirected to the checkout page. Do this by setting the window.location.href property to the value of the href returned by the /checkouts endpoint.
     try {
       let checkoutSession = await this.$axios.$post(
     window.location.href = checkoutSession.href;
     } catch (error) {

    The <script> now has the code required to complete a checkout session.

  10. Add a click event listener to the <button> that will start the checkout process when the Pay button is clicked. The value of the @click attribute is the method name to invoke (startCheckoutSession).
     <button @click="startCheckoutSession"class=" button--grey">Pay</button>

You can now follow the steps in Running the app to build and serve the app locally.