Clover Hosted Checkout logo Clover Hosted Checkout

There are a few simple steps required to set up the app for your development environment.

  1. In the root of your checkout, create an .env file.
  2. Log in to your sandbox test merchant account.
  3. On the side-nav, select Setup > API Tokens. API tokens page screenshot
  4. In your .env file, add the following keys:

  5. On the API Tokens page, click the eye icon to reveal your token. Click Copy and paste the value in the .env file:

     API_KEY={Private token}
  6. On the API Tokens page, click Copy and paste the merchant ID value in the .env file:

     API_KEY={Private token}
     MERCHANT_ID={Clover merchant ID}
  7. Save and close the .env file.
  8. Install the app’s dependencies by running yarn install.

Next, you can start the walkthrough in Adding the checkout component.