Class Merchant

    • Constructor Detail

      • Merchant

        public Merchant()
        Constructs a new empty instance.
      • Merchant

        protected Merchant​(boolean noInit)
        Constructs a new empty instance.
      • Merchant

        public Merchant​(JSONObject jsonObject)
        Construct a new instance backed by the given JSONObject, the parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • Merchant

        public Merchant​(Merchant src)
        Constructs a new instance that is a deep copy of the source instance. It does not copy the bundle or changelog.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Unique identifier
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Name of the merchant
      • getOwner

        public Employee getOwner()
        The account that owns this merchant
      • getAddress

        public Address getAddress()
        The address of the merchant.
      • getDefaultCurrency

        public String getDefaultCurrency()
      • getPhoneNumber

        public String getPhoneNumber()
        DEPRECATED: Use phoneNumber field in address instead. This field may contain an incorrect value and should neither be read nor written.
      • getWebsite

        public String getWebsite()
      • getCustomerContactEmail

        public String getCustomerContactEmail()
        Email address for customers to contact merchant through
      • getLogos

        public List<Logo> getLogos()
      • getCreatedTime

        public Long getCreatedTime()
      • getGateway

        public Gateway getGateway()
      • getEmployees

        public List<Employee> getEmployees()
        This merchant's employees
      • getItems

        public List<Item> getItems()
        This merchant's inventory items
      • getTags

        public List<Tag> getTags()
        This merchant's inventory tags
      • getTenders

        public List<Tender> getTenders()
        This merchant's supported tenders
      • getShifts

        public List<Shift> getShifts()
        This merchant's employees' shifts
      • getOrders

        public List<Order> getOrders()
        This merchant's orders
      • getPayments

        public List<Payment> getPayments()
        This merchant's order payments
      • getReseller

        public Reference getReseller()
        The merchant's reseller
      • getOpeningHours

        public List<HoursSet> getOpeningHours()
        This merchant's opening hours
      • getBillingInfo

        public MerchantBillingInfo getBillingInfo()
        Billing information for the merchant in context.
      • getIsBillable

        public Boolean getIsBillable()
        Deprecated (use billingInfo instead): Returns true when the merchant is billable.
      • getDevices

        public List<Reference> getDevices()
        A list of devices a merchant owns, 128-bit UUIDs, not a normal base-13 Clover IDs.
      • getMerchantGroups

        public List<Reference> getMerchantGroups()
        A list of merchant groups a merchant belongs to
      • getPartnerApp

        public Reference getPartnerApp()
        The partner app/solution with which this merchant is primarily associated
      • getAccountType

        public String getAccountType()
        The account type for the merchant. Used for reference merchants. See enterprise.ReferenceType
      • getBankProcessing

        public MerchantBankProcessing getBankProcessing()
        Bank processing data for this merchant
      • getMerchantBoarding

        public MerchantBoarding getMerchantBoarding()
        Additional data collected during boarding
      • getHierarchy

        public MerchantHierarchy getHierarchy()
        Business hierarchy data for merchant.
      • getExternalMerchants

        public List<ExternalMerchant> getExternalMerchants()
        A list of external merchants for this merchant
      • getDeviceBoardings

        public List<MerchantDeviceBoarding> getDeviceBoardings()
        A list of additional device boarding data for this merchant
      • getSelfBoardingApplication

        public Reference getSelfBoardingApplication()
        The boarding application submitted by the merchant
      • getJSONObject

        public JSONObject getJSONObject()
        Returns the internal JSONObject backing this instance, the return value is not a copy so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
        Specified by:
        getJSONObject in interface JSONifiable
      • isNotNullId

        public boolean isNotNullId()
        Checks whether the 'id' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullName

        public boolean isNotNullName()
        Checks whether the 'name' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullOwner

        public boolean isNotNullOwner()
        Checks whether the 'owner' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullAddress

        public boolean isNotNullAddress()
        Checks whether the 'address' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullMerchantPlan

        public boolean isNotNullMerchantPlan()
        Checks whether the 'merchantPlan' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullDefaultCurrency

        public boolean isNotNullDefaultCurrency()
        Checks whether the 'defaultCurrency' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullPhoneNumber

        public boolean isNotNullPhoneNumber()
        Checks whether the 'phoneNumber' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullWebsite

        public boolean isNotNullWebsite()
        Checks whether the 'website' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullCustomerContactEmail

        public boolean isNotNullCustomerContactEmail()
        Checks whether the 'customerContactEmail' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullLogos

        public boolean isNotNullLogos()
        Checks whether the 'logos' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyLogos

        public boolean isNotEmptyLogos()
        Checks whether the 'logos' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullCreatedTime

        public boolean isNotNullCreatedTime()
        Checks whether the 'createdTime' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullProperties

        public boolean isNotNullProperties()
        Checks whether the 'properties' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullGateway

        public boolean isNotNullGateway()
        Checks whether the 'gateway' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullTipSuggestions

        public boolean isNotNullTipSuggestions()
        Checks whether the 'tipSuggestions' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyTipSuggestions

        public boolean isNotEmptyTipSuggestions()
        Checks whether the 'tipSuggestions' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullEmployees

        public boolean isNotNullEmployees()
        Checks whether the 'employees' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyEmployees

        public boolean isNotEmptyEmployees()
        Checks whether the 'employees' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullItems

        public boolean isNotNullItems()
        Checks whether the 'items' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyItems

        public boolean isNotEmptyItems()
        Checks whether the 'items' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullTags

        public boolean isNotNullTags()
        Checks whether the 'tags' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyTags

        public boolean isNotEmptyTags()
        Checks whether the 'tags' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullTenders

        public boolean isNotNullTenders()
        Checks whether the 'tenders' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyTenders

        public boolean isNotEmptyTenders()
        Checks whether the 'tenders' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullShifts

        public boolean isNotNullShifts()
        Checks whether the 'shifts' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyShifts

        public boolean isNotEmptyShifts()
        Checks whether the 'shifts' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullOrders

        public boolean isNotNullOrders()
        Checks whether the 'orders' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyOrders

        public boolean isNotEmptyOrders()
        Checks whether the 'orders' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullPayments

        public boolean isNotNullPayments()
        Checks whether the 'payments' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyPayments

        public boolean isNotEmptyPayments()
        Checks whether the 'payments' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullTaxRates

        public boolean isNotNullTaxRates()
        Checks whether the 'taxRates' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyTaxRates

        public boolean isNotEmptyTaxRates()
        Checks whether the 'taxRates' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullPrinters

        public boolean isNotNullPrinters()
        Checks whether the 'printers' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyPrinters

        public boolean isNotEmptyPrinters()
        Checks whether the 'printers' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullModifierGroups

        public boolean isNotNullModifierGroups()
        Checks whether the 'modifierGroups' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyModifierGroups

        public boolean isNotEmptyModifierGroups()
        Checks whether the 'modifierGroups' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullOrderTypes

        public boolean isNotNullOrderTypes()
        Checks whether the 'orderTypes' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyOrderTypes

        public boolean isNotEmptyOrderTypes()
        Checks whether the 'orderTypes' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullReseller

        public boolean isNotNullReseller()
        Checks whether the 'reseller' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullOpeningHours

        public boolean isNotNullOpeningHours()
        Checks whether the 'opening_hours' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyOpeningHours

        public boolean isNotEmptyOpeningHours()
        Checks whether the 'opening_hours' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullBillingInfo

        public boolean isNotNullBillingInfo()
        Checks whether the 'billingInfo' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullIsBillable

        public boolean isNotNullIsBillable()
        Checks whether the 'isBillable' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullDevices

        public boolean isNotNullDevices()
        Checks whether the 'devices' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyDevices

        public boolean isNotEmptyDevices()
        Checks whether the 'devices' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullMerchantGroups

        public boolean isNotNullMerchantGroups()
        Checks whether the 'merchantGroups' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyMerchantGroups

        public boolean isNotEmptyMerchantGroups()
        Checks whether the 'merchantGroups' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullPartnerApp

        public boolean isNotNullPartnerApp()
        Checks whether the 'partnerApp' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullAccountType

        public boolean isNotNullAccountType()
        Checks whether the 'accountType' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullBankProcessing

        public boolean isNotNullBankProcessing()
        Checks whether the 'bankProcessing' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullMerchantBoarding

        public boolean isNotNullMerchantBoarding()
        Checks whether the 'merchantBoarding' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullHierarchy

        public boolean isNotNullHierarchy()
        Checks whether the 'hierarchy' field is set and is not null
      • isNotNullExternalMerchants

        public boolean isNotNullExternalMerchants()
        Checks whether the 'externalMerchants' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyExternalMerchants

        public boolean isNotEmptyExternalMerchants()
        Checks whether the 'externalMerchants' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullProgramExpresses

        public boolean isNotNullProgramExpresses()
        Checks whether the 'programExpresses' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyProgramExpresses

        public boolean isNotEmptyProgramExpresses()
        Checks whether the 'programExpresses' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullDeviceBoardings

        public boolean isNotNullDeviceBoardings()
        Checks whether the 'deviceBoardings' field is set and is not null
      • isNotEmptyDeviceBoardings

        public boolean isNotEmptyDeviceBoardings()
        Checks whether the 'deviceBoardings' field is set and is not null and is not empty
      • isNotNullSelfBoardingApplication

        public boolean isNotNullSelfBoardingApplication()
        Checks whether the 'selfBoardingApplication' field is set and is not null
      • hasId

        public boolean hasId()
        Checks whether the 'id' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasName

        public boolean hasName()
        Checks whether the 'name' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOwner

        public boolean hasOwner()
        Checks whether the 'owner' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasAddress

        public boolean hasAddress()
        Checks whether the 'address' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasMerchantPlan

        public boolean hasMerchantPlan()
        Checks whether the 'merchantPlan' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasDefaultCurrency

        public boolean hasDefaultCurrency()
        Checks whether the 'defaultCurrency' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPhoneNumber

        public boolean hasPhoneNumber()
        Checks whether the 'phoneNumber' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasWebsite

        public boolean hasWebsite()
        Checks whether the 'website' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasCustomerContactEmail

        public boolean hasCustomerContactEmail()
        Checks whether the 'customerContactEmail' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasLogos

        public boolean hasLogos()
        Checks whether the 'logos' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasCreatedTime

        public boolean hasCreatedTime()
        Checks whether the 'createdTime' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasProperties

        public boolean hasProperties()
        Checks whether the 'properties' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasGateway

        public boolean hasGateway()
        Checks whether the 'gateway' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTipSuggestions

        public boolean hasTipSuggestions()
        Checks whether the 'tipSuggestions' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasEmployees

        public boolean hasEmployees()
        Checks whether the 'employees' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasItems

        public boolean hasItems()
        Checks whether the 'items' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTags

        public boolean hasTags()
        Checks whether the 'tags' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTenders

        public boolean hasTenders()
        Checks whether the 'tenders' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasShifts

        public boolean hasShifts()
        Checks whether the 'shifts' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOrders

        public boolean hasOrders()
        Checks whether the 'orders' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPayments

        public boolean hasPayments()
        Checks whether the 'payments' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasTaxRates

        public boolean hasTaxRates()
        Checks whether the 'taxRates' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPrinters

        public boolean hasPrinters()
        Checks whether the 'printers' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasModifierGroups

        public boolean hasModifierGroups()
        Checks whether the 'modifierGroups' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOrderTypes

        public boolean hasOrderTypes()
        Checks whether the 'orderTypes' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasReseller

        public boolean hasReseller()
        Checks whether the 'reseller' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasOpeningHours

        public boolean hasOpeningHours()
        Checks whether the 'opening_hours' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasBillingInfo

        public boolean hasBillingInfo()
        Checks whether the 'billingInfo' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasIsBillable

        public boolean hasIsBillable()
        Checks whether the 'isBillable' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasDevices

        public boolean hasDevices()
        Checks whether the 'devices' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasMerchantGroups

        public boolean hasMerchantGroups()
        Checks whether the 'merchantGroups' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasPartnerApp

        public boolean hasPartnerApp()
        Checks whether the 'partnerApp' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasAccountType

        public boolean hasAccountType()
        Checks whether the 'accountType' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasBankProcessing

        public boolean hasBankProcessing()
        Checks whether the 'bankProcessing' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasMerchantBoarding

        public boolean hasMerchantBoarding()
        Checks whether the 'merchantBoarding' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasHierarchy

        public boolean hasHierarchy()
        Checks whether the 'hierarchy' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasExternalMerchants

        public boolean hasExternalMerchants()
        Checks whether the 'externalMerchants' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasProgramExpresses

        public boolean hasProgramExpresses()
        Checks whether the 'programExpresses' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasDeviceBoardings

        public boolean hasDeviceBoardings()
        Checks whether the 'deviceBoardings' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • hasSelfBoardingApplication

        public boolean hasSelfBoardingApplication()
        Checks whether the 'selfBoardingApplication' field has been set, however the value could be null
      • setName

        public Merchant setName​(String name)
        Sets the field 'name'.
      • setOwner

        public Merchant setOwner​(Employee owner)
        Sets the field 'owner'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setAddress

        public Merchant setAddress​(Address address)
        Sets the field 'address'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setMerchantPlan

        public Merchant setMerchantPlan​(MerchantPlan merchantPlan)
        Sets the field 'merchantPlan'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setDefaultCurrency

        public Merchant setDefaultCurrency​(String defaultCurrency)
        Sets the field 'defaultCurrency'.
      • setPhoneNumber

        public Merchant setPhoneNumber​(String phoneNumber)
        Sets the field 'phoneNumber'.
      • setWebsite

        public Merchant setWebsite​(String website)
        Sets the field 'website'.
      • setCustomerContactEmail

        public Merchant setCustomerContactEmail​(String customerContactEmail)
        Sets the field 'customerContactEmail'.
      • setLogos

        public Merchant setLogos​(List<Logo> logos)
        Sets the field 'logos'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setCreatedTime

        public Merchant setCreatedTime​(Long createdTime)
        Sets the field 'createdTime'.
      • setProperties

        public Merchant setProperties​(MerchantProperties properties)
        Sets the field 'properties'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setGateway

        public Merchant setGateway​(Gateway gateway)
        Sets the field 'gateway'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setTipSuggestions

        public Merchant setTipSuggestions​(List<TipSuggestion> tipSuggestions)
        Sets the field 'tipSuggestions'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setEmployees

        public Merchant setEmployees​(List<Employee> employees)
        Sets the field 'employees'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setItems

        public Merchant setItems​(List<Item> items)
        Sets the field 'items'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setTags

        public Merchant setTags​(List<Tag> tags)
        Sets the field 'tags'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setTenders

        public Merchant setTenders​(List<Tender> tenders)
        Sets the field 'tenders'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setShifts

        public Merchant setShifts​(List<Shift> shifts)
        Sets the field 'shifts'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setOrders

        public Merchant setOrders​(List<Order> orders)
        Sets the field 'orders'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setPayments

        public Merchant setPayments​(List<Payment> payments)
        Sets the field 'payments'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setTaxRates

        public Merchant setTaxRates​(List<TaxRate> taxRates)
        Sets the field 'taxRates'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setPrinters

        public Merchant setPrinters​(List<Printer> printers)
        Sets the field 'printers'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setModifierGroups

        public Merchant setModifierGroups​(List<ModifierGroup> modifierGroups)
        Sets the field 'modifierGroups'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setOrderTypes

        public Merchant setOrderTypes​(List<OrderType> orderTypes)
        Sets the field 'orderTypes'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setReseller

        public Merchant setReseller​(Reference reseller)
        Sets the field 'reseller'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setOpeningHours

        public Merchant setOpeningHours​(List<HoursSet> opening_hours)
        Sets the field 'opening_hours'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setBillingInfo

        public Merchant setBillingInfo​(MerchantBillingInfo billingInfo)
        Sets the field 'billingInfo'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setIsBillable

        public Merchant setIsBillable​(Boolean isBillable)
        Sets the field 'isBillable'.
      • setDevices

        public Merchant setDevices​(List<Reference> devices)
        Sets the field 'devices'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setMerchantGroups

        public Merchant setMerchantGroups​(List<Reference> merchantGroups)
        Sets the field 'merchantGroups'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setPartnerApp

        public Merchant setPartnerApp​(Reference partnerApp)
        Sets the field 'partnerApp'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setAccountType

        public Merchant setAccountType​(String accountType)
        Sets the field 'accountType'.
      • setBankProcessing

        public Merchant setBankProcessing​(MerchantBankProcessing bankProcessing)
        Sets the field 'bankProcessing'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setMerchantBoarding

        public Merchant setMerchantBoarding​(MerchantBoarding merchantBoarding)
        Sets the field 'merchantBoarding'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setHierarchy

        public Merchant setHierarchy​(MerchantHierarchy hierarchy)
        Sets the field 'hierarchy'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • setExternalMerchants

        public Merchant setExternalMerchants​(List<ExternalMerchant> externalMerchants)
        Sets the field 'externalMerchants'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setProgramExpresses

        public Merchant setProgramExpresses​(List<MerchantProgramExpress> programExpresses)
        Sets the field 'programExpresses'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setDeviceBoardings

        public Merchant setDeviceBoardings​(List<MerchantDeviceBoarding> deviceBoardings)
        Sets the field 'deviceBoardings'. Nulls in the given List are skipped. List parameter is copied, so it will not reflect any changes, but objects inside it will.
      • setSelfBoardingApplication

        public Merchant setSelfBoardingApplication​(Reference selfBoardingApplication)
        Sets the field 'selfBoardingApplication'. The parameter is not copied so changes to it will be reflected in this instance and vice-versa.
      • clearId

        public void clearId()
        Clears the 'id' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearName

        public void clearName()
        Clears the 'name' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOwner

        public void clearOwner()
        Clears the 'owner' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearAddress

        public void clearAddress()
        Clears the 'address' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearMerchantPlan

        public void clearMerchantPlan()
        Clears the 'merchantPlan' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearDefaultCurrency

        public void clearDefaultCurrency()
        Clears the 'defaultCurrency' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPhoneNumber

        public void clearPhoneNumber()
        Clears the 'phoneNumber' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearWebsite

        public void clearWebsite()
        Clears the 'website' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearCustomerContactEmail

        public void clearCustomerContactEmail()
        Clears the 'customerContactEmail' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearLogos

        public void clearLogos()
        Clears the 'logos' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearCreatedTime

        public void clearCreatedTime()
        Clears the 'createdTime' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearProperties

        public void clearProperties()
        Clears the 'properties' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearGateway

        public void clearGateway()
        Clears the 'gateway' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTipSuggestions

        public void clearTipSuggestions()
        Clears the 'tipSuggestions' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearEmployees

        public void clearEmployees()
        Clears the 'employees' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearItems

        public void clearItems()
        Clears the 'items' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTags

        public void clearTags()
        Clears the 'tags' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTenders

        public void clearTenders()
        Clears the 'tenders' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearShifts

        public void clearShifts()
        Clears the 'shifts' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOrders

        public void clearOrders()
        Clears the 'orders' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPayments

        public void clearPayments()
        Clears the 'payments' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearTaxRates

        public void clearTaxRates()
        Clears the 'taxRates' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPrinters

        public void clearPrinters()
        Clears the 'printers' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearModifierGroups

        public void clearModifierGroups()
        Clears the 'modifierGroups' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOrderTypes

        public void clearOrderTypes()
        Clears the 'orderTypes' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearReseller

        public void clearReseller()
        Clears the 'reseller' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearOpeningHours

        public void clearOpeningHours()
        Clears the 'opening_hours' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearBillingInfo

        public void clearBillingInfo()
        Clears the 'billingInfo' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearIsBillable

        public void clearIsBillable()
        Clears the 'isBillable' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearDevices

        public void clearDevices()
        Clears the 'devices' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearMerchantGroups

        public void clearMerchantGroups()
        Clears the 'merchantGroups' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearPartnerApp

        public void clearPartnerApp()
        Clears the 'partnerApp' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearAccountType

        public void clearAccountType()
        Clears the 'accountType' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearBankProcessing

        public void clearBankProcessing()
        Clears the 'bankProcessing' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearMerchantBoarding

        public void clearMerchantBoarding()
        Clears the 'merchantBoarding' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearHierarchy

        public void clearHierarchy()
        Clears the 'hierarchy' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearExternalMerchants

        public void clearExternalMerchants()
        Clears the 'externalMerchants' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearProgramExpresses

        public void clearProgramExpresses()
        Clears the 'programExpresses' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearDeviceBoardings

        public void clearDeviceBoardings()
        Clears the 'deviceBoardings' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • clearSelfBoardingApplication

        public void clearSelfBoardingApplication()
        Clears the 'selfBoardingApplication' field, the 'has' method for this field will now return false
      • containsChanges

        public boolean containsChanges()
        Returns true if this instance has any changes.
      • resetChangeLog

        public void resetChangeLog()
        Reset the log of changes made to this instance, calling copyChanges() after this would return an empty instance.
      • copyChanges

        public Merchant copyChanges()
        Create a copy of this instance that contains only fields that were set after the constructor was called.
      • mergeChanges

        public void mergeChanges​(Merchant src)
        Copy all the changed fields from the given source to this instance.